
5 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 11 months ago
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Entry 3
Published 4 years, 11 months ago

memes from dA

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2019 Meme

1. What is your name? And what is your opinion of it?

My name is Akane, and I think its ok, but honestly dont think it suits me bc it means "red" and i keep my hair dyed blue so im not a redhead anymore sooooo

2. What are some names you would give your children? (even if you don't want any)

I have no idea, i wouldn't want children of my own, maybe something like Olivia or Rose?

3. What's the best feeling in the world? And what's the worst?

Best -- Feeling beautiful. Worst -- feeling ugly.

4. Best and worst food?

Best -- pasta. Worst -- Brussels sprouts.

5. Do you like animals?.

Yes!! I love all animals!! I take care of baby animals I find in the forest all alone, and collect dead bugs and plants for my collection and research.

6. Are you a Marysue / Garystu?

I have no idea, and I dont really care if I am one.

7. Are you a thrill-seeker/adventurer, or do you prefer the safe and familiar?

I really like adventures as long as they are safe and familiar if that makes sense XD

8. Most embarrassing situation you can imagine? 

Someone calling me fat?? And I would be eating and they would call me a pig in front of everyone

9. What compliment would make you the happiest?

Complementing my intelligence.

10. What supposed compliment would you take the most offense at?

Calling me skinny.

12. Are you a realist, optimist, pessimist, idealist, cynic or opportunist?

idealist probably ??

13. What's your MBTI?

Just took the test -- ENFJ-A / ENFJ-T is what I got.

14. What is your zodiac (and do you identify with it)?


15. What is your fashion sense or preferred style?

I like wearing baggy clothes

16: What's your favorite quote?


17. What's the worst injury you've taken?


18: One random fact about you.

i dummy thicc