[CC] Miyu: Adventurer Job

4 years, 23 days ago
4 years, 23 days ago
3 1437

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 23 days ago

The Adventurer excels at activities! Activities include Gathering, Salvaging, Hunting, and Caving. An adventurer can easily bring uncommon items home or sell them to crafters. The chance of success is also much higher, and Master Adventurers never fail at their task.

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Option One – Show your Rider finding their first big haul! It should be so big or heavy that there’s no way to carry it all home.


The ocean raged and foamed, an angry beast devouring all who dared enter its domain; the changing weather and storms causing chaos of anyone foolish enough to cross the hazardous waters. Even the waters below the surface were turbulent, causing confusion to those who lived in them; Llyr though seemed to thrive in it, his powerful body slipping through the currents with ease, his oceanic heritage providing safety for him and his rider. Miyu swum behind in his slipstream, her scales flickering with her worry, but she trusted the dragon fully. [“Not far now, I can feel the waters swirling round it.”] He said, lifting a tentacle to touch her arm in reassurance, Miyu hummed in his mind in response.

The turbulent waters had sunk part of a merchant fleet, the sailors jumping overboard as the vessels and their cargo sank, Miyu still found it amusing that the dragon loved to scavenge for things, she normally couldn't see the point of many of the things the land dweller regarded as precious. However as her companion had pointed out, they may not need any of them, but others would trade for the scavenged resources, such as food,or other items which could help when the seasons turned bad.

Fish swam past them as they descended, agitated, and around were larger predators, normally they'd be chasing the abundant food supply, but Llyr’s presence kept them at bay; finally the storm above eased somewhat and the waters too settled; in front of them in the faint light of the moon that now filtered down, the ruined husks of the ships from the fleet, by now there would be nothing left of anyone who had drowned, leaving the ships and all that lay in them open for scavenging.

Miyu darted ahead her smaller frame allowing her to slip between the shattered timbers, outside Llyr patrolled checking in with his rider if she'd found anything; though Miyu had minimal awareness of what many items did, she was now able to spot things which held value… And of course any papers were to be grasped immediately...Llyr having started a collection of them, each log holding the potential of a greater treasure…. Once they'd dried and he'd deciphered them.

Collecting a few of the waterlogged ledgers, she continued further in the first ship, her powerful tails gripping the ruined timber as she traversed the ship with her echolocation, eventually she dropped through the still waters of the cargo hold, her clicks picking up crate after crate. [“There seems to quite a few here.”] She said to Llyr, immediately she felt his presence against the outside of the ship, his whiskers weaving through as he felt for weakness… Which after the storm damage was quite noticeable. The sound of beams been pulled apart shattered the relative quiet of the nearby waters; eventually though they gave beneath the ocean dragons strength, his tentacles pulling at them to make an opening large enough for himself. Working together, Miyu and Llyr managed to pull the crates out, there were several in total and Llyr was literally humming with excitement, it was a great haul, and there was still another two more ships to search, as well as the area around them.

Miyu was not quite as excited, each crate was quite large, and even with the buoyancy of the waters quite heavy. [“Llyr?”] She asked running a claw over his snout as she looped her tails around his with affection; at his curious look she continued. [“How are we going to get all of these back to lagoon?”] She followed up, as strong as he was, it would take more than one trip…. And they were not the only salvager's in the area. Llyr hissed, grumbling as he tried to figure out a way… But the sheer volume of loot. [“We do it in parts, get as much into the lagoons arms as possible and get the rest.”] He responded to a gentle laugh in his mind as Miyu nodded, slipping away and moving towards the first crate; with a powerful thrust of his flippers he followed, he’d never had a haul this big before but in future he’d be prepared.

WC: 701