Dreamcatcher [OLD]

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 3 months ago
10 10296 1

Chapter 8
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

This is VERY OLD and not accurate at all anymore! This was published on Wattpad, I just wanted to publish some old literatures haha!

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Chapter 8

Akane was violently thrown into a dark room with a single light source. He rubbed his wounds from being beaten into submission delicately, licking them like a cat. He squinted to see where he was. All he could see was a blinding light and two small figures sitting before him.


"Here is the criminal. We heard his lies. What do you two have to say to him?" Al said in a mysterious voice. 

The two kids looked at each other guiltily. They were in way too deep to tell the truth now. 

"The only reason you two are not in prison right now is because you were attacked by one of our citizens. We have a law that if anyone is injured because of one of our folks, they will get hospitality. If you are true trespassers, you would be regretting being born." Al's voice was getting more and more deadly.

Tikaani quickly spoke up. "We stand by our word," he said as confidently as he could, although there was a tone of fear in his voice.

"Do you? Well, well. Good choice. We've recorded this whole session, and now have enough proof to convict the culprit. The whole city will be saved!" Suddenly shouted Al excitedly. 

Tikaani broke a small relieved smile, but Anora shifted her gaze towards Akane. He lay on the floor of the room, a rope around his neck, covered in wounds, his eyes wide with fear. He didn't deserve this. He had helped them. They were the true trespassers. 

"Well, since you two are so powerful," the kids could sense the air quotes from where they were, "We will be testing your powers. If that turns out to be another lie, you may be punished along with Akane. We will send you back to your room and keep a close eye on you two, there is something fishy about you."

Al let out a deep sigh. 

"Well! Looks like I've got more business to attend to. How rude of me to leave! But not as rude as lying to the Forest, am I right?" His laughter turned softer and softer. They never did see him. 

One of the officers with a wooden mask walked up to the small table the kids were sitting at.

"You may have a word with the criminal now. What you say is going to be recorded and may be used against you." His eyes squinted, as if he was smiling politely under the mask. He had a yellow circle drawn on it.

Anora quickly got up and ran over to the miserable Akane. 

"Are you alright?" It took Akane a few moments to adjust to the new lighting and see her face. He immediately turned his back to her and pouted. 


"Hey, wait. Hear me out," she begged, tears coming to her eyes. She never wanted to do this. She never wanted to be caught up in lies like this. Now that she thought about it, it would have been either them or Akane-- one of the parties would have had to be punished. Tikaani just chose himself and her rather than the stranger. She understood that on a basic level. But this... it was still too painful to see.

"I'm sorry it ended up like this. I really am. It was Tikaani who ratted you out," she said, choosing her words carefully. "I was prepared to be punished instead of you." She heard Akane whimpering in pain. He continued licking his wounds dramatically, glancing over periodically with a hurt expression. Tikaani started making his way over as well. 

"I have a few questions. That's all. You can decide to answer them or not," she said in a soft voice, trying to soothe the wounded beast. 

"Why did you write about us in your journal?" 

Akane kept his back turned to them. He took a deep breath.

"Because I wanted to make sure I remembered every detail. I'm horrible at making friends. And my memory like that of a poodangle. So I write down everything I notice about people and creatures I meet, so that I can refer back. It's silly, I know. But I have asked questions people have answered earlier in the relationship one too many times."

Anora was shocked-- they had assumed wrongly of him. She turned and glared at Tikaani for doing something to such an innocent soul. But... was he really that innocent?

"I just want to know." Anora took a deep breath. "Did... did you actually k-kill someone?" She whispered.

Akane slowly turned around. He looked like he would cry any moment. Lips shivering, he whispered back.
