[Starter Trial] Quiet

4 years, 21 days ago
729 1 3

Starter Trial of my Parasplicer Miko for the World Of Griffia ARPG.

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Author's Notes

Hello! English is not my first language, if you see any mistake, please feel free to correct me!

Miko has always been the shy type. Always quiet, in the back, the shadows. Not that she's not attractive, interesting, or can't have conversations; she is just shy. She and her sister Bell have always been total opposites. Bell is very outgoing, always talking, friendly with everybody, she doesn't fear to show her true form. But not Miko.

Parasplicers are not a native species of Griffia. Since she was little, her parents always told her that. Of course, they're well accepted, but it would have been easier for her to be a native Griffolk. She always felt like an outcast, and since her younger age, nobody else than her family ever saw her true form. Being a Parasplicer sure have good points; she can morph into anything, any creature, and can even be a mix of multiple creatures at the same time. And she loves that. One day she can be a Bagbean, the other a cat, she can even be a rug if she wants (even if it is pretty useless!). She can wears bunny ears, Kryptox arms, and a Fornlee face at the same time if she wants, the only limit is her imagination and her markings. When shapeshifting, she keeps the same colors and markings as her true form, but since nobody beside her sister every saw her real self, this isn't much of a worry for her.

Laying on the ground of their little house, Miko was savoring the fresh wind. It gently lifted streaks of her colorful hair and was dancing against her skin. She closed her eyes, letting the sun warm her skin, burning it so slowly, in a delicious way. The little backyard was protected by natural fences, made of bamboos and bushes. Here, nobody could see her. In a sigh, she rolled on her belly and started to think.

"How will I find my identity?". She searched everywhere to find an answer, but it wasn't an easy task. She asked Fabian, borrowed books, she has seen every important figure of griffia beside Queen Pisum, and she still did not know. Not even the Fountain of Destiny could help her.

Bell was younger than her and already knew, she succeeded her started trial. She knew her destiny, she knew her identity before Miko. It hurts her inside, she is the big sister, it's her role to guide and show things to her young sister! Miko got out of the backyard and headed back to her house. She looked at herself, she who was in her true form, and sighted. "What is my identity?.....I..I have no idea.". She threw herself into her bed, protecting herself with her arms. "I am not even able to find my identity, this is such a shame...". She shifted herself into a big, very big tiger, like every time she's feeling down. This big animal, proud and strong, always brings her comfort. Her fur is softly shaken every time she moves a bit. In the silence of the house, she calms herself. She isn't like her sister, not loud, not outgoing, not extrovert. Her sister never shaped into other beings, she stayed herself. But she isn't her sister. She's her. She stands up, her big paws in the pastel carpet, and goes in front of the mirror. She sees a big tiger, with white fur and soft markings, flowers on her head. She likes what she sees, it's comforting her. She turned on herself and transform into a Bagbean: the big hands, the toed nails, the cute snout, she's a cute Bagbean. She shifts into a Kryptox: the funny ears, the little teeth, the palmed paws, funny looking, but she's still cute. She shifts a few more times before coming back to a splicer form. The mirror reflects a long figure, with slim arms and strong legs. Blue and pink hair, being agitated by the breeze coming from the window, and big, dark eyes, with long lashes. She...likes what she sees. The reflection is one of a shy, but pretty Parasplicer. Sometimes she wishes she wasn't that shy and could go out in her true form, but it takes time to accept yourself as you are.

She shifts back to a big tiger, and runs toward Fabian's place. She's out of breath when she finally arrives. "I found my identity" She says. "I am me".