
4 years, 11 days ago

All the universe of Lakeguts. Includes other bitches like the Lyftmoles, Narthex, Vulkpalast, Archfelis, Doc/Tube dragons... and ummmm i think thats it. MOVING THESE FROM BULLETINS TO MY LIBRARY. Last Updated: Oct 2020 (very minor changes)

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Lyftmole Lore including Docdragons and Tubedragons

Info about Tube Dragons:

The Progenitor species of dragons that was first experimented on by the Lyftmole peoples. Before leaving the twin planets and moving to the inner moon, the Lyftmoles took the corpses of long-gone dragons and retrofitted them with the same technologies employed in their mechs. As a result, the ͞Tube Dragon͟ species was created, essentially reanimated bodies of mythical creatures of the past. Tube Dragons, being the older ͞model͟ of upgrade, need to be connected to their life support systems through a series of tubes that could protrude from anywhere on the body. Nobody knows where the tubes begin or end. If one might stumble upon a Tube Dragon and their tubes, you may end up following the tubes all over the planet until you find their source. Very few tube dragons were created, and they wander their home planets without mind, heart or soul.

Info about Doc Dragons:

This species, known as the ͞younger cousins͟ of the tube dragons are built of much more advanced technology, which requires no tubes to be connected to a ground. These dragons have a much more developed AI, which allows them to make decisions and calculations. These were the final corpses to be experimented on before the Lyftmoles left the twin planets for the inner moon. The ͞Doc͟ title in their name refers to the longer word ͞Doctor͟ in which this species was developed to perform maintenance on themselves, each other, and on the planet’s structures. There are much more Doc Dragons present on the twin planets than Tube Dragons, though they were indeed made of the same long-gone mythical dragon species. The only difference is the technology installed within their bodies.

Info about the Twin Planets and their Moon:

In this small star-system, a single sun harbors two twin planets of the same size: Sidhe and Ingvard. These planets are well over ten times the size of Earth.

Sidhe is the warmer planet, being closer to the sun, and it boasts green grasslands, rolling hills, and a plethora of flora. Small ruins also dot the planet where the Lyftmoles lived. Lyftmoles that lived here prefer a more peaceful way of life and use their technological knowledge for enhancing life and wellbeing.

Ingvard is the colder planet, being further from the sun. It is covered nearly completely in snow and large ranges of subzero ice. Throughout the lands are clusters of large factories where the Lyftmoles once lived. Lyftmoles from this planet were an aggressive species that developed weapons and armor with their technological knowledge. Their inventions were usually tools of war.

Both Lyftmole planets saw a history of moles coming and going between the planets, and both planets resulted in Doc and Tube dragons being created. In modern history, all moles decided to leave both planets in favor of the Inner Moon: a rocky celestial body that is roughly the size of earth. It sits exactly between the two planets where the weather is perfect, and the moles have come together to practice a more peaceful and unified community. Since both of the planets pull at the moon with their gravity, the planet remains locked between the two and has no orbital path. However, the moon does spin on its axis creating day and night. A shadow of Sidhe remains permanently on the moon. Fearful of the dark spot, no moles are allowed to venture into the shadow and the area is forbidden.

Recently, no Lyftmoles live on the planets any longer, and every individual of the mole species lives in harmony on the Inner Moon. Meanwhile, all the Doc and Tube dragons have been left behind on the planets, where they continue to roam without intervention.

Fun Fact! : Sidhe, Ingvard and Inner Moon all exist within the same universe as Lakeguts and his group of friends and enemies. Perhaps none of them never meet, or perhaps some of those characters may interact. At any rate, characters created in the ͞Lakeguts͟ universe could also find themselves in the ͞Lyftmole͟ universe as well. The only problem is that they are... extremely far away from each other. Could all these characters meet someday? We’ll never know! Want to know more about the Lakeguts Universe? Click here!


More info about the Lyftmole Species:

In early times, this species was highly preyed upon by large apex predators due to their small size and lack of strength. Their limbs are hardly strong enough to hold up their own bodies. Some Lyftmoles prefer to walk upright, though they are also capable of running on all four of their limbs. They have a weak venom in their teeth and at the tip of their tail that they use to paralyze threats that come near them. This species eventually evolved into an intelligent race of peoples as their intelligence was unmatched in any of the planets they reign from. As a result, they developed the technology to make them stronger, faster and more deadly than any other creature that would threaten their species’population.

Each mole would develop its own ͞mech͟ that would attach to their various limbs to increase muscle power, be used as a weapon, tool, or all of the above. Mechs usually include an arm attachment (or multiple) and a helmet placed on their heads so the actions could be performed with the brain. Other moles have mechs as complex as jetpacks, running suits, wings or deadly weapons. As the species got stronger and smarter, they banded into small communities and sometimes they even formed cities where several hundred moles would reside. 

Lyftmoles are a mammalian species reproducing through mating similar to humans, although sexual dimorphism is not prominent; the females cannot be distinguished from the males easily. (Changed as of Oct 2020 update) Males and females can be differentiated like other mammals with body type. I.e. slight muscle mass, presence of breasts, etc. However, Lyftmoles will pair with potential partners based on brain power and can ͞read͟ the minds of a mate that is most compatible. Female Lyftmoles give birth also similar to humans and will nurture their young without mech on mother’s milk until the young mole is old enough to stand and wander on his own. At this point, he will be fitted with his own Mechs from his parents. When young moles get older, they will experiment by removing, altering, upgrading and adding their own mechs to themselves until they have their own distinct mech armor. 

Lyftmoles are strictly vegetarian in diet, though they might eat the occasional insect, they will not eat the meat of animals. Their favorite foods are leafy plant matter. Bulbs, roots and squashes that are dug up from the ground are delicacies in the Lyftmole diet, and they can probably be sold for a high price.

More Maps: Lakeguts' Story, Lyftmoles and the rest of the Galaxy

Lakeguts' story begins on Titan, with the traveler Ai arriving on his moon. She came from the planet earth where she was raised, although nobody knows which planet she was born on. Early on in the story, Lakeguts receives supplies from a bandit named Sigaro. Lakeguts' home moon of Titan is too wet for Sigaro, who prefers warm, lava-like temperatures, so he sets up an outpost on a moon further away from Titan instead. This is the Saturn moon of Dione.


Lakeguts lives in our own Solar System, where the humans on earth have all formed one single army for the Earthling people. They are known as The United People's Army for Earth. Early in Lakeguts' life, they will raid his home moon when he is still young and rob the entire celestial body of its resources. This army (which includes mostly human earthlings) are the things that Lakeguts hates the most in his entire life.

Meanwhile, a Race of Feline-like people are living far away on a crumbling planet simply known as the Archfelis Planet. Ai the traveler will soon visit them someday and become best friends with their chief named Lincoln. Since the planet is slowly being destroyed due to its old age, the Archfelis race has grown quite small. The species seeks to live on another planet, however the rest of the planets surrounding it have already crumbled away into dust. On the only remaining planet of the Archfelis, the surface is covered in desert and grasslands similar to the savannas on Earth. There is very little water, although frequent rains keep the living things on the planet well sustained. The planet does not have much time until it crumbles away like the rest. Evidence of this can be seen in large "scars" of cracks on the surface, which appear as giant canyons when standing on the planet itself.


Later into his story, Lakeguts gets in trouble with Sigaro, who turns out to be the head speaker of a tribe of demon-like beings known as the Vulkpalast. It's up to Ai and Lincoln to travel to the Vulkpalast planet to rescue Lakeguts. Unlike Lakeguts' moon, this planet is riddled with lava and burning rock. Volcanoes appear everywhere on the surface and can be seen exploding on the horizons. This planet was formed too close to its sun, which bakes the planet constantly in a ray of blazing heat. At night, the planet gets a break from the punishment of the sun, but the heat of the lava can still pose a threat to anyone who is not a Vulkpalast. The planet and its sun are extremely hard to find to anyone who happens to be traveling close because the star-system is completely surrounded by floating ash, which blocks out the sun and its planet to the naked eye. The planet is even invisible to radar. Ai was able to find this planet using her hearing.


All three of these star systems exist in the Milky Way galaxy, mapped here, also mapped with the Lyftmole star-system, which exists in the same universe of Lakeguts' story.


"Final Rest" is where Lakeguts' story ends, as well as Ai's and Lincoln's. Although spoilers should be avoided to reveal what lies inside that solar system! Here is the Lyftmole Star-System map as well.
