This Is Why I Do Not Have Dragonets

4 years, 9 days ago

Prompt 02 - Outside the window, you see something you cannot believe.

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Razorfate blinked and turned his head with a grunt, staring back into the dim library and pointedly refocused on the number of scrolls and books and knowledge to be discovered at Herald's Light Academy. While not a student, he'd gotten special permission to come study so long as he assisted with adding to their knowledge base. The Nightwing had no issues with that and chuckled, willingly handing over several copies of scrolls he'd not gotten rid of. He shook his head, looked down at the scroll in his claws and grunted, unwillingly pulled back to the window at the scene far below.

The view - while not outside - was of a spectacularly enormous cavern, lit with several crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, tiny globes lit the center magically and the candles were carefully tended by the groundskeeper daily. The room itself was the main meeting hall, the grand entrance was across the hall from Razorfate's window, an enormous double doors wide enough to fit three Icewings side by side with room to spare. All corridors and rooms began from this hall, each wing spread out like the feathered wing of an eagle with the library as the head and the offices at the heart. Golden gilt and gemstones glittered along the walls and banners hung proudly, proclaiming to all inhabitants the history of the Herald's Light. An old story of the very animus who had founded the academy as a sister to the famous Jade Mountain.

However, what Razorfate saw tonight defied the regal dignity of the school. Swinging madly from the delicate chandeliers and whooping like monkeys were three young dragonets. The Skywing flipped over his wings expertly, while the Mudwing crawled into the center of the light fixture, proving just how large the chandeliers were. The last culprit was an unusually small Icewing; normally arrogant to a fault with a superiority complex, this particular Icewing was anything but....clearly. The Nightwing gave a sigh of exasperation and shook his head at the ignorance of children when a startled and horrified screech announced the groundskeeper's attention. The three dragonets flailed off the chandeliers - which looked to have survived the onslaught just fine, thankfully, and dashed towards freedom with the old Sandwing chasing them.