A short rest

5 years, 9 months ago

Short scene based on my friend's (Ravisuals) beautiful art piece!

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Based off this beautiful piece by friend!! https://mobile.twitter.com/RaVisuals/status/1014894968467607552

Please check their art!

(Also wrote this for fun, I'm not really a writer)

-Vale, va, me has vencido. Es imposible que gane, admito mi derrota.

Sky exageró una mueca, cerrando los ojos y arrastrando su última palabra. Agotado, se dejó caer sobre la hierba, tratando de recuperar el aliento. A unos pocos pasos escuchó la risilla de Tesh.

-Oh vamos no seas así. Lo has hecho genial cariño.

-Para nada, me resulta imposible derrotarte si no utilizo mis escudos y estrategias de defensa. Es un hecho -suspiró Sky.

Al incorporarse, sentándose en el prado, vio a Tesh caminando hacia él. Hacía ya ta tiempo que no tenían un duelo de práctica. Entrenar juntos siempre les resultaba entretenido, especialmente considerando que ambos aprendían el uno del otro y que no existía riesgo real para ninguno de ellos. Sky tan solo estaba admitiendo que no era ta habilidoso como su marido en cuanto a combates físicos. No era su estilo. De todas formas deseaba librar un par de duelos después de tanto tiempo...en los que, como es usual, terminó mordiendo el polvo. Una vez que Tesh se acercó lo suficiente le ofreció la mano a Sky. 

-No creo que pueda levantarme.


-Estoy cansado...¿Te importa esperar un poco?

-Lo mismo me da pero...-Tesh inclinó la cabeza y sonrió- creo que tengo una idea mejor.

Antes de que Sky pudiese siquiera preguntar Tesh le levantó el brazos; uno bajo sus rodillas, el otro detrás de la espalda. Aún sonriendo descansó su barbilla sobre el pelo de Sky durante un instante, tras lo cual le dio un leve beso en la frente. Por su parte Sky fue incapaz de suprimir una sonrisa. 

-¿Que crees que estás haciendo? -preguntó con un tono más extrañado que molesto.

-Estaba pensando en ir al lago y descansar un poco, ¿te parece? 

-Suena bien.

-¡En marcha pues!

Si bien la idea de descansar y esperar a poder levantarse por su cuenta resultaba más sensata la idea de Tesh llevándole en brazos le resultaba graciosa, de modo que no se quejó en ningún momento. Por el camino se aferró más al cuello de Tesh para asegurarse de no caerse, buscando también una postura más cómoda, y finalmente susurrándole.

-Gracias cielo.


-Alright, alright you beat me today. There's no way I can win...I admit my defeat.

Sky exaggerated his expression, closing his eyes and dragging the last word. He was laying on the grass, catching up his breath. A few steps away he heard Tesh chuckling.

-Oh c'mon don't be like that. You did well hun.

-There's no way I can actually win if I don't use my defensive skills. It's a fact -he sighed-.

Sitting up, he saw Tesh walking towards him. It had been a while since they last practiced fighting. It was always kind of fun for both of them, as they were constantly learning from each other and there was no real harm for either. Sky admitted he wasn't as good as his husband when it came to attack. It wasn't his style. They had a few small fights but they didn't last too long before he fell...again. Once he was near enough, Tesh offered him a hand.

-I don't think I can stand up -Sky looked up at him-.


-I'm tired...mind waiting a bit?

-Well I can totally wait but...-he tilted his head and smiled- I think I have a better idea for you.

Before he could even ask, Tesh lifted him in his arms; one under his knees, the other around his back. Still smiling, he nuzzled Sky's head, burrowing his face on his silky hair, and then kissed his forehead. On his side, Sky couldn't help but chuckle and smile too. He held onto him to make sure he wouldn't fall.

-What do you think you are doing? -he sounded amused rather than annoyed-.

-I thought of going to the lake and relaxing a bit there, if that's good? -Tesh proposed-.

-Sounds like a plan.

-Then I'm gonna carry you there! -he grinned-.

-Fine -Sky chuckled again and closed his eyes-.

It was definitely more practical and comfortable to wait until he felt better...but the idea of Tesh carrying him around sounded like fun, so he decided to go along with it. As they moved, he hugged him around the neck, finding a more comfortable pose, and let out a whisper with a smile on his face.

-Thanks, dear.