Strudel Offering (p.1)

4 years, 10 days ago

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The wind is blowing through the window, creating a screaming sound that could affraid anyone, even the most courageous person. In this old and dusty room full of barrels, boxes and various chests and tapestries, a tiny light makes it's way from the window to a small hole in a box. Some particules of dust floating around it makes it look like some kind of miracle light. Similar to a whisper, you can hear a sound.. It is so muffled that you can barely tell where it is coming from. Inside the dull brown box, something minuscule start to move, coming to life, coming out of it's eggshell. Crack. He did it. The little guy take a glimpse at what's outside. Affraid of seeing so many new colors, lights and overall so many new sensations, he goes back in his eggshell. Maybe I'll try again later ? He asks to himself, too scared of what might be lurking outside. The wind is still blowing outside and suddently something goes through the window. A small branch ends up on the top of the small creature's box. Looking throught the hole in the box, he wonder. What was that? Was that thing trying to scare me or the wind ? Actually the wind started to declined and all noises caused by it had almost completly disappeared. Summoning up the courage to explore, the small creature goes out of his eggshell, carefully taking one step after another. At last, in the pale daylight the newborn show it's face. A light cream skin with bits of very light grey fur disparatly dangling from the small creature's body. Obliviously the poor bean haven't fully grow inside it is egg. Maybe one day they will get pretty fur and colorfull markings, even if what they're most interested in right now is how to get up that hole. Taking a quick look at what is around him. Dryed straws on the bottom of the box make crunching sound at every steps the newborn makes, making him jumps a few times. Between a few books and some dirty, dusty and old various object, something call to mind the small creature. A thin but tall silhouette stand out from the shadow. Grabbing this objet into he's tiny paws, he realised it's made out of fabric. It's not soft but it's still enjoyable to touch. Looking back at the hole, he realises that making this tapestry fall in a right angle could help him to get up there. Determined, the newborn push with all his strengh the fabric piece and after a while, it finally fall right in place. Now, he only needs to jump on it and makes his out of the box. Cautiously climbing on his home made bridge, the small creature start walking toward the light source. As he gets closer to the exit, he is not affraid of what could be outside anymore. The only thing he could think about is how big the world must be outside of this box and how pretty it must be. Jumping out of the bow was relieving for the little being. At first, he is blinded by the light and he needs a couple of minutes to get used to the light surrounding him. Throught the broken window, a white landscape full of mountain and snow is taking the newborn's breath away. It's so beautiful.. Turning his back to the window he invertigates the room. A lot of old objects are reflecting the light and make him curious, wondering if these would be some kind of treasure. His eyes set on a small desk with only an even smaller box on it, looking like a chest, closed with a key. Jumping on barrels and climbing tapestries to get to that desk the not-so newborn drop a few object, a metallic sound resonating in the small room. Taking a last jump to the desk, the little being sigh. I made it! I thought I would fall a couples times.. I'm curious of what's inside this chest.. Taking a few steps closer to the chest, he notices a small paper next to it. "Here's our offering for you, small Strudel. We're hoping you'll like our collection too!" Looking back at the random stuff aroung him, the Strudel understood it's not just random objects. It's a collection. Getting more curious about the chest, he tries to open it but it stay closed. Looking at the key in his paws, he realised it is all rusted. Maybe I can find another one that would work..