Lightclan Untold Tales

3 years, 11 months ago
3 years, 11 months ago
3 2986

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

Mild Violence

A rough story outline of the story of my war cats' lives. A lot is based off the rp group I was in, but I have altered it to be more like an actual story. It is messy, but I love my fighto cats.

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Lonetail's Story

Lonetail (Lonetail's part is focused mostly on clan structure, code, and most importantly Plants(tm) with lots of medicine cat specific views)

Lonetail was born to Tabbypelt as a single kit litter, and there were no other queens at the time of her birth leaving Lonekit to her own devices most of the time. Her mother did her best, but without a playmate Lonekit was very prone to wandering. When given the chance, she would play with the apprentices, but they were usually busy. She would often wind up in the medicine den because of the fragrant smells. The medicine cat Maplemask took a liking to her, as she proved herself quite capable of sorting herbs, and quite thirsty for knowledge as well. As she became old enough to become apprenticed, she asked Maplemask if she could be his apprentice. Maplemask agreed very quickly to this. Now Lonepaw, she devoted herself further into learning everything she could from her mentor. Tabbypelt became pregnant not too soon after Lonepaw had left the nursery. There were complications, and in the end only one kit ended up surviving to open it's eyes. She was named Foxkit for her orange coloration and white tail tip. Lonepaw became very attached to her surviving sibling and often doted on her. Another queen was also pregnant and gave birth not too long after Tabbypelt had, so Foxkit was not alone and usually prefered the company of kits her age to her big sister. Lonepaw didn't mind, as she was just happy that Foxkit was alive and seemingly healthy. When she was not learning about herbs Lonepaw would sometimes sneak into the apprentice's den and learn from them. She didn't want to be a warrior, but she did long for the company of cats closer to her age. Lonepaw especially liked the company of Frostedpaw. The two would sometimes sneak out of camp at night so Frostedpaw could show her battle moves, or so that she could show Frostedpaw what herbs grow where on their territory. Maplemask caught them once and lectured them both about it, emphasizing to Lonepaw that the warrior code forbade medicine cats from taking a mate. Lonepaw took it to heart and stopped sneaking out with Frostedpaw, though they did still meet frequently to share tongues. When Frostedpond was given her warrior name, Lonepaw was sure no one cheered quite as loud as she had. Maplemask gave Lonetail her full name and title as medicine cat not too long after Frostedpond had been made a warrior. It shocked most of the clan that she was given the title so quickly, but it soon became evident that Maplemask was beginning to fail in health. No matter how much he ate or what herbs he was given, he continued to loose weight and get sicker. Lonetail was broken hearted over it, but Maplemask assured her that it was not her fault. He had seen this illness in others before, and he knew already that there was no cure for it. He passed away not too long after. Lonetail redevoted herself to her role as medicine cat. Many moons passed, and Lonetail was well settled now. She was very devoted to her job and served her clan well. During her first newleaf as the only medicine cat Lonetail received a vision. A fox, hunting in a forest of maple trees in leaf fall. The oranges and yellows of the leaves contrasting with the dark bark of the trees from afar resembled tabby stripes. She immediately told Dawnstar about this, to which the leader agreed, this was a sign from Starclan that Foxkit was destined to become a medicine cat. Foxkit thrilled about this, as she had been visited by Maplemask in her dreams. Lonetail was very pleased to take her sibling on as her apprentice. Foxpaw was much more in touch with Starclan than she had ever been, and Foxpaw also picked up herbs quickly. Lonetail felt a sad twinge in her chest as she and Frostedpond seemed to drift apart, both of them training their own apprentices. It seemed like before she even realized it, Foxpaw had learned about everything Lonetail had to offer, which really could not have come at a better time. Lightclan's relationship with neighboring Fernclan had begun getting more and more tense. Both of them pushing each other for territory as twolegs began encroaching on both of them. Border crossings turned into bloody border fights, and then turned into both clans preparing for war. Lonetail and Blackrose, the medicine cat of Fernclan, were both given a prophecy of a battle, so much blood spilling that it became a river, flowing to an ocean. The ocean was a tranquil blue, with wild grasses spilling over the sands, plentiful fish and birds and both clans existing together peacefully. Dawnstar and Flamestar agreed to a truce to see if they could find this paradise that Starclan had promised them. The two clans went on a journey, following the river. They reached the ocean in a quarter moon, finally arriving when the sky was a blazing orange, and quickly fading to darkness as silverpelt seemed to shimmer even brighter than it had in their previous home. The clans settled into their new territory and all conflict was forgotten. On their first night in their home, Lonetail gave her apprentice her full medicine cat name Foxsky in honor of the beautiful orange sky that had stretched over them as they found their paradise. During this peacetime Lonetail and Frostedpond found the time to rekindle their relationship. Frostedpond had been made deputy after the previous deputy, Brachenwhisker, had stepped down to join the elders. They both knew that their relationship was deeper than friendship. With a new territory came new her locations, and Lonetail was keen on finding everything she could. One day while searching for herbs she was assaulted by a rogue. Following the incident she realized she was pregnant. It was easy enough for her to convince Dawnstar that she needed to go back to their old territory to locate some rare herbs, and Dawnstar insisted she take a warrior with her as protection. She of course chose Frostedpond. The two set off and Lonetail confided in her. Frostedpond decided to claim the kits were hers, and raise them for Lonetail, which surprised Lonetail, as she was planning on leaving her clan in shame, since it had Foxsky to take care of it, and in the eyes of Starclan she was breaking the code. Frostedpond tried her best to help Lonetail understand that the warrior code had not accounted for her specific situation, and that there was no way she was breaking the code. Lonetail had a bit of difficulty with this as she had always taken the warrior code literally, rule by rule, as the only thing that separates clans from ferals. Lonetail has her kit, a single kitten litter just like she had been. Lonetail insists Frostedpond names him, since she intents to raise him, while Frostedpond wants Lonetail to name him. He remains unnnamed until he opens his eyes, a week after birth, and they decide on the name Berrykit together, as his nose is the same color as the berries of the bush he was born under. When they return to the clan, everyone is relived. They accept them all back without a moment of hesitation much to both of their relief. They are just happy to have their medicine cat and deputy back. Berrykit is given to a nursing queen, who had just had kits a day or so before they returned. It is an open secret that the kid is Lonetail's. No one talks about it, but they all know. Lonetail remains involved in Berrykit's life and he grows up with Frostedpond and Lonetail as his parents. The clan turns a blind eye to Lonetail and Frostedpond's relationsip. They get to be happy. Lonetail serves her clan for many moons. On a rare solo herb gathering mission, Lonetail gets attacked by a fox. Berrystorm hears the comotion and rushes in to save her. By the time Lonetail is brought back to camp it is too late to save her.