Iced Tea

kirdyk VenusBoi
4 years, 3 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
2 1774 3

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Supernatural. Feral. Bloodthirsty. The world had been taken over by these traits. The supernaturals, being called 'Brutals' by humans, had taken over. The Earth had become nearly apocalyptic. Gabrielle Dimitri, An unslaved human runs a cafe inside of all this chaos.

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Author's Notes

I didnt even count the words. Kitri has had some troubles so they couldnt help as much with thia chapter. Also- unedited

Chapter 2 || Salty Salty Octopus

Gabriella Dimitri

April 20. 2328


It was past the beginning of my first hour, having that I started at nine in the evening.  I still haven't gotten over the thought of the prior days events.  

A dragon, of all Brutals came in and weeped like a lost puppy!  

I'm at a loss. My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden, "Hey boss?" As my head whipped around to one of my co-workers.  A nice, young man who's name was Brooke.  I nodded at him. "We got a special special order from a young siren and her minutar date."

"Have her excuse herself to the restroom and take her out the back door.  You call her the buggy and get her home. I'll deal with the date."

 Brooke nodded as he went back the the wait staff's area, likely to use the phone. I saw a waitress come out and give a siren a note on a napkin while serving her an appetizer  

When  the siren grabbed her necklace, a necessity for all, her tail morphed into legs.  She stood up and mumbled something, probably doing as asked to go to the restroom.

When she was out of sight, I moved out from behind the bar and made my way to the minutar. "Hello, Sir!  May I take your order?" He dismissively waved his hand.

"My date and I already had our order taken, but she went to the bathroom," he slurred and scratched his muzzle, his bull rings jingling slightly. "I mean have you seen her ass? Especially when she has thoes legs!"

(Switching to 3rd person)

Wow, talk about breaking the stereotypes of protective minutars.  He mustered a small smirk.  "You're not to-bad yourself, for a human." Gabriella smiled the mist plastic way she could.

"Well, sir, I'm especially flattered, however I don't think i'd enjoy being on a Sirens bad side.  I saw you two earlier.  She was awfully angry."

"She's just a pass-time.  Don't worry about her." Gabriella nodded and looked at the clock, 10:12.  Time flew within that small mishap.

"Why thank you, however I'd have to excuse myself.  I have my shift tonight so I must keep working." She backed away and left as she got confirmation of Brookes coming out with a thumbs-up signaling that the girl had been in the buggy safely. 


An hour had passed and Gabriella had figured she'd had the climax of the night, after all she served the same dragon as the night before.  He was the most exciting thing,  however something changed.

The bell rang and in came an cecaelia, a half man, half octopus. All cecaeilans were rare to see in this side of town, after all they were all nobles.  

These half-octopie would never have been seen in such a run-down place, but here he was. 

Gabrielle looked at him as he grasped a necklace and watched his tentacles slip from existence and lead into well-dressed pants. White, slicked-back hair was cut short. His face was taut with stress and his lips were pursed.   His pale-tinted skin almost glowed in the light.

He glided across the floor, ending up at the bar.  He glanced at the menu while Gabby let him take time to decide what he'd like.  After a moment or so,  he tore his eyes from the board against the wall and She walked over to him.

"What can I get you sir?" Gabby didn't make eye-contact with him out of fear he'd be offended.  Imagine what a noble could do to a human in the slums that owned a bar.

"Looks like you have manners," he said.  "Say- Where is your master? Maybe I can buy you instead of alcohol." 

Gabby didn't miss a beat when she said her response, "My most absolute apologies, however I am a freed human. I have no master aside from myself and we only sell food and drinks here.  Is there anything you'd like from the menu?

Displeasure crossed his face while he shook his head and mumbled something. "Ill take salty dolphin on the beach." Gabriella nodded and poured rum and saltwater into a glass before adding two sea salt ice cubes. 

She pushed the drink across the bar to him and he waved her hand to dismiss her. She walked away in peace to another customer.


"You're kidding me,"  Gabriela sighed as the Cecaelia dropped yet another glass on the floor, shattering it with a mild 'oops'.

To her dismay, the janitor left just over twenty minutes ago after he cleaned up four other glasses. The next janitor wouldn't be on shift for another five minutes at least, and the glimmering shards had to be cleaned at once.  With the other servers busy, Gab took it upon herself.

Grabbing the nearest broom and pan, she weaved her way around people and got to the mess.  The man beside her smirked.

"You're the floor? But I thought you worked for now one?" She wanted to snap at the man, however she only shook her head.

"Sorry sir, I guess your slimy hands that seem to let my glasses slip like soap just put my full attention in you.

The smug look he had quickly disappeared as he placed payment down on the bar counter.

"You're quite rude.  I had been merely commenting on your nature.  When she threw the glass in the metal bin she swiped the cash and counted it before putting it in the register.

"Well, thank you for the feedback."

He only responded by waving her off as he left his seat towards the door.