
3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago
1 1886 1

Entry 1
Published 3 years, 10 months ago

Explicit Violence

Azilphentyr was a CYOA written about three friends whose lives get ripped apart.. violently.

Never actually got past the first choice. I feel that I should finish this one day, perhaps with all planned branching paths. Might be interesting to pull off.

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"…il..!... ake.. p!.... on.. WAKE UP!"

Your eyes shoot open.. and you look around.. "Azil! You're still alive.. I thought we lost you.." "I told you his vital signs were still okay.." You try to get up, but you only manage to slightly raise yourself.. You grunt in pain, as you realize your side has a nasty gash.. and.. you seem to be lacking a leg. Oh wow. That really, REALLY hurts. "I'm sorry I can't do anything else for you, Azil.. They got you pretty damn bad.."

As you want to reply, you feel as if the world suddenly starts spinning.. and your vision seems to confirm it. A heavy wave of nausea and dizziness come over you, and you fall back to the floor. As you feel your head hit the cold, hard brick, you realize your head is laying in a puddle of.. some kind of liquid.. Smells nasty, too.. "Shit, he's down.. Tyr.. He's lost too much blood!" "I'm sorry, OKAY?! Phen.. I can't.. I can't help it! I'm supposed to be SHOOTING you guys, not.. not healing you.. Shit.. I'm gonna be branded a traitor… Fuck.. I didn't.. I just.. I just don't want to kill my friends.. fuck.. Why did this had to happen.."

You heard a loud smacking noise. "Get yourself together man, we'll pull through! But for now, Azil needs our help. You're the only guy here who knows how to heal someone, we just know how to fling fireballs. The war surprised all of us.. if.. if for some reason your army pops up here and captures us, I'll tell them you were holding us hostage for intel or something. I'll.. I'll make shit up to get you out of it, alright? Just.. help Azil.. Tyr.. please.."

Ah.. right.. the war.. Man, you're totally out of it. You can't even remember what's going on around you.. You don't have the energy to get up, so you try to look around by turning your head and.. ew, gross. Right. That nasty ass smelling liquid.. that's.. oh fuck. No wonder they're so worried about you. You're laying in a pool of your own damn blood. Or.. at least you think it's your own blood.. Kinda smells like gasoline as well as that metallic smell..

"Look at him, man.. his eyes are twitching, and he hasn't said a thing yet.. fuck, maybe he's brain dead?!" "Shut up, he'll be fine.. Come on, you can heal him man.. Tyr.. Tell me you can heal him.." "..I.. I don't know, Phen.. If I can pull a Regen on him, he'll be fine eventually, but doing it HERE.. NOW? He needs bed rest for that shit to work properly." "Can't we just leave him here?" "Fuck no, you know Azil would do ANYTHING to get you guys to safety, so we'll fucking do it for him. Help me out here.. Tyr needs to keep him stable, we'll drag him to safety.."

Where.. where did that third voice come from..? You were sure you only heard two.. Your head is pounding.. what the hell is going on..?

"Azil?" "...Huh?" "Ah, you've snapped out of it. Come on, he's calling for attendance, and your name is almost up." "Uh.. ah.. thanks Phen…" You shake your head, and realize you're in class.. what.. what a weird dream.. War? Yeah right.. There hasn't been a war in hundreds of years.. "Azil Zha'lid?" "Here." That.. felt more realistic than you expected though. Your leg still feels as if there's nothing there.. You look down and bend your knee. No problems.. so what is this, phantom pain of some kind..? Eesh..

"Hey Azil, Tyr and I were planning on checking that new club out after school, you want to join us? I know you'd rather check out the tech class, but come on man, it's been ages since we hanged out, just the three of us.." You bite your lower lip.. She's right.. and besides, you haven't seen Tyr in a while either. Doesn't really help that his associated element is different.. They get different classes.. Phen can talk to Tyr cause she has the same lunchbreak..  "Yeah.. I guess I should. The tech's gonna be there next week as well, right? Besides, I think they were getting tired of  me one-upping them every time anyway." "Perhaps you should get your nose out of your books more often.."

"Ahem.. Aliphen Zura?" "Ah.. sorry teach. I'm here. But please just call me Phen.." "Miss Zura, perhaps when you are older, you can change your legal name. But until then, your given name is Aliphen Zura. And thus I will name you that way, just as I would expect you to call ME by my proper name." "Ah, right.. sorry Mr. Reichen." The teacher shakes his head. "Tsk.. You haven't exactly been raised properly.. but ah, knowing your family.." "WHY Y" "Calm down Phen. You know he's trying to get under your skin."

You see the teacher glare at you, before returning to his seat. "Fucking asshole.." "Agreed.. alright, I guess I'll have to come, huh.. just to keep you calm. Reichen is just jealous.. you got into this with a scholarship, and your synchro rate's over 90%. From what I heard, ol' Reichy has like 60ish. He can't stand the fact this is all so easy for you." Looks like that calmed her down. It's obvious why her element is fire, what with how hotheaded she is, heh.

Hm? The announcement chime? That's odd, they hardly ever.. "Good morning students. An accident has occurred  a few blocks away. While details are unknown, the local authorities have told us to evacuate the school for the entirety of the day. Please leave the building in an calm and orderly fashion, before proceeding homewards." What. Seriously? Well, you came to school for no reason today..

"..Wanna go check out what's going on?" "Eh?" You turn to Phen. "C'mon Azil.. don't tell me you aint curious about this accident that happened.." "..Well, yeah.. but.. we were told to evactuate, so it's probably serious. We should get home.." You get up, your bag.. well, you just fling it over your shoulder. No need to pack things in if you hadn't even had the chance of unpacking.

"Tsk, spoilsport.. Well, should we just head over to your place, then? I.. I really don't want to be home now." "Yeah, should be fine.." You head over to the door, with Phen following you. As you enter the hallway, you see Tyr in the distance. He seems to have noticed you, as he turns to you, and waves.. looks like he wants to say something, so you head over th- "What do you think you're doing Mr. Zha'Lid? You were told to go home, not to gossip in the hallways with your friends." Ugh. Reichen again..? You look over to Tyr, but.. it seems he got delegated out through another exit.

"Go home, Mr. Zha'lid." You glare at your teacher, but you too are prompted to head outside, with Phen following closely. "Ugh, what a jerk." "I think we established that when we called him an asshole before, Phen." She's visibly smiling. "You're right. Let's just go home, you can call Tyr later, right?" "Yeah, he should have his cell with him.."

Ugh.. that pounding headache..  where the heck did it even come from..? Probably from bleeding to death and hitting your head on those bricks…

Uh.. where'd those thoughts come from? Was that related to your dream.. "..Hey, are you okay? You look pale, Az." "Yeah.. I.. just have a bit of a headache. Kinda feel dizzy too." "Maybe you should lay down, man. I'll be fine without you. Your mom said she'd be back in 10 minutes.. I'll just empty your cookie jar until then." Phen sticks your tongue out at you, and you smile-frown at her. Yeah.. you.. just got home with her.. and your mom went out to get some groceries.. Man, that dream disoriented you more than you expected. "Shit, you REALLY don't look so well, Azil. Let's get you upstairs."

Eh? You realize you're staring at the ceiling, and the roof seems to be.. on.. fire? "Tyr.. are you sure you..?" "…No, I'm not Phen.. but we need to get out of here. And that guy seems bend on.. FUCK.. shit, he almost nailed me.." "Keep your head down then.. shit.. what the hell did we get ourselves into.." "This guy's a pro.. he's waiting for us to slip up. If it weren't for the distance, we'd probably already be dead." "Fuck, he probably managed to get Wred cause he was just standing still.. fuck, I never liked him, but I didn't want him killed.."

"..What are you talking about, Az?.. shit, you got a nasty fever, man.. Don't tell me you're delirious.." "Huh?" "..You just said something about Wred getting shot? I know he's a bully, but that seems a bit over-the-top, Az.." "Uh.. I.." You shake your head.. what the heck is going on.. did you just lose conscious or something? Phen put you in your bed just now, as it seemed you collapsed on the floor..

"Hey, I'm gonna use your cellphone. Maybe Tyr can help you out." You nod at Phen.. "..Ah, Mrs. Contin? This is Phen.. can I talk to Tyr for a bit?.. He didn't pick up his cellphone, so.. Ahuh.. He's.. not home? That's.. that's odd. No, he's not at school, we all got evacuated because of some accident… Yeah, I'm at Azil's place.. Huh. She hung up on me."

That's.. weird. The three of you have known each other for years, and Mrs. Contin has always been so kind.. didn't matter if we were Ythra and they Rithe.. she always said race didn't matter, people were people… huh.. that's odd. Why would races be the first thing to come to mind?.. Ah, that's right, the other Rithe in your class got split from the rest, didn't they..? You wonder why..

"I killed him. Oh god oh god, I really killed him.." "You were the only one who could, Tyr.. He was going to kill all of us if you didn't.. please.. I know this is hard but.." "How can you know, Phen?! I was trained to help people.. I.. I never thought I'd even need this thing!" You hear the sound of metal hitting the floor.. "Don't throw away your gun! Eesh, you didn't even put the safety on.. this thing could accidentally go off.. Listen okay, let's.. let's worry about all of this later. We're in the middle of a warzone, and we have a friend here BLEEDING TO DEATH. We've got to get Azil out of here."

Man, if only you could re-do the day.. With what you know now.. It's just wishful thinking, but.. perhaps.. you know.. maybe you wouldn't have such a headache or.. wait what, no, not the headache, your.. what precisely? You're in bed.. you hear Phen stomping around downstairs.. Shit, what's up with this re-occuring nightmare..

"Is this.. really what you want?" "…uh.." Hang on. What is going on. Everything is suddenly.. dark around you.. "what..?" "Is this really what you want?" "..I.. don't.." "Do you truly wish to start the day over again?"

> Yes
> No