Be My Friend Forever? - Creepypasta

3 years, 11 months ago
3 years, 11 months ago
2 8005

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

Explicit Violence

Eugene, a young child, has a life which would be normal among several young children, but he begins to feel lonely and sad. One day, he encounters a special teddy who only has one desire, the desire to be his best friend. After all, one friend is better than none, but not everything is as great as it seems.

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Be My Friend Forever? - Introduction

Childhood, it’s a short period in your life which everyone does go through, whether it be bad or good. Childhood is supposed to include family, beginner friends, tons of toys, and all the happy moments which should be stuck inside of your head forever. Just as it is told, I do in fact have memories of my own childhood stuck inside of my brain, like it had been mushed together with a layer of glue, and left to dry. I suppose I’m fortunate to even have such memories of a childhood with me. Though, my memories aren’t exactly the cheesie, “I got this, and I got that, my childhood is amazing..” type stuff, if anything, my parents were always busy, far too busy to even speak with me. It was all work with them, all stress. My friends, who in which were always outside, would commonly make me the last wheel in all of their activities, which did bother me to the point I would just quit playing and do my own thing. So, when she appeared and asked to be my friend, I did say yes. I remember her the most out of all of my memories, especially since I was only six. I couldn’t forget her, I still cannot forget her, no matter how much I desire to. Her small brown form, her baby blue buttons for eyes, and the bow on her head. She had been a part of my childhood, one which ultimately haunts me.