Sketch "Trivia"

3 years, 11 months ago

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- At his first show having Evita riding him, they won 1st place in almost every class and at the end of the season, they won grand champion of their whole class (walk, trot, canter

- Sketch wears all royal blue (and black)  tack for horse shows! This includes his saddle pad, polo wraps, paracord breast collar, headstall, and reins, and his black saddle! He also has his hair done in braids along with some royal blue feathers!

- His rider, Evita has fallen off of him twice. Once was when Sketch didn't want to stop running fast during a trail ride and running home from the last barrel.

- Sketch has some sort of breathing issues. He sounds like a dragon! This does slow him at times but doesn't affect him to greatly... Sometimes if he's that bad after a lesson, he gets special grain!

-Sketch's owner has had him for the majority of her life! Ever since he was probably around 1 and then he was sold off when she had to go to college. He went up for sale again and she was luckily able to get him back!