Biology of shiva

5 years, 10 months ago
5 years, 10 months ago
4 300

Entry 2
Published 5 years, 10 months ago

biology stuff about shiva

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advanced anatomy

Forelegs: scaly, feathery, 3 fingers

Hind legs: scaly, feathery, 3 toes

Wings: large, feathered, bird-wings

Body: Feathery mane, body is covered in smooth scales

Head: smooth and scaly, has some feathers and horns

Tail: has a birdlike plume of feathers

Scales: smooth and flat, vary in color, iridescent

Feathers: smooth, purple

Teeth: tusks, canines, fangs

Eyes: gold, round pupils

Hood: can be spread or hidden, has a marking like a spectacled cobra