Cryptid Wars AU

3 years, 11 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago
5 6763

Entry 1
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

Mabs made me think about Cryptid Gang War AU and now I need a place to put all my silly little things for it.

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Duelek & Mihal - Making Cookies

“So the boss man’s wanting us ta make pumpkin cookies for his sweetheart?”

“Nah, for his… I ain’t really knowin’ want ta call him actually.”

“Then shut up,” Duelek rolled fully-pitch eyes at his twin, lenses reflecting and enhancing them just enough that the slightest sheen of too rich purple could be seen at their edges. His ear twitched towards Mihal behind him, sharp, angular, and missing a chunk of skin around the tip, tail lifting towards them so the eye set in the flat curved of the diamond tip could open and stare at them. “We ain’t here ta ask questions, we’re being here ta make shit taste good.”

Duelek could see Mihal standing at the counter; turned away from him and picking ingredients out of the cupboards surrounding them. Near identical to Duelek himself but for small differences; where Duelek’s wild hair was left to its own devices and kept mostly to his shoulders, Mihal’s was more orderly, longer, and tied out of their face. They also had the bonus of not needing glasses to see what was in front of their face and where Duelek’s ears were missing small chunks of flesh Mihal’s were fine and complete. Their own diamond-tipped tail was relaxed, settled against the ground, eye closed to the world.

“Ain’t worked with pumpkin since the last Hallowed Season.” They hummed, pulling the cinnamon out and setting it next to the already gathered ingredients. “Didn’t know there was anybody that liked it ‘nough ta be wanting it season round, yeah?”

“Let the guy enjoy what he likes,” Duelek hummed, bringing the piece of paper with their instructions for the day over to his twin. “Iffin the boss man wants us ta be making something his wolf won’t be gettin’ nowhere else, then that’s just what we’ll be doing,” he shrugged. “Simple as that.”

“What shapes ya want for this?” Mihal asked, now rummaging around in the drawer they kept their cutter-shapes in, all new and earned from doing things the boss wanted of them. Good deals in one of the two’s option if not the other’s. “Don’t think Halloween’ll fit none.”

“We’re gonna use a lot of orange,” Duelek started, pulling off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves in preparation to start working on the dough, showing off the stark lines of inked wings pressed to his skin. His own set; tucked away into his flesh to better blend into the world around them. “Get out them cat ones and we’ll make a bunch a different ones a those.”

“Cats that taste like pumpkin. Alright.”

“Yup,” Duelek agreed, narrowing his eyes before taking a step back. “We should use honey instead a a lot of sugar. He’s a wolf yeah? Don’t wanna kill his teeth.”

“Got a point yeah. Speaking a that, mayhaps we could make peanut brittle for ‘em yeah?”

Duelek snorted at the suggestion, nudging his twin slightly. “Iffin the boss is cool with it yeah sure. Fuckin’ playing right inta that stereotype.”

“We gotta,” Mihal insisted, chuckling to themselves while Duelek started to work on mixing their dry ingredients together.

“Shut ya face and get working,” Duelek hummed. “Boss man wants a batch done and decorated by lunch.”

“Yes sir, one batch a kitten-decorated pumpkin cookies coming up.”

Author's Notes

Mihal & Duelek get to be Demons under MK's orders in this AU. They mostly make things for MK to send to Pembrooke because he has to give him magnificent things he won't get elsewhere >:Yc.

They're both really useless, don't know how to make deals that are heavily skewed in the other participants direction.