Fight me in the streets

3 years, 11 months ago

2. Tipping the Balance. "Though the Fox Faction have quite a bit of Support - We cannot falter, we are close to victory! The Mansei did not see the merit in joining our side, and have chosen to turn on us instead - And now, they are now attacking our allies in the Hibiki District - We must retaliate!

When we have Claimed their territory, we will negotiate for them to join our Faction instead. This will be a crippling blow for the Fox Faction, and could even end the Political Struggle! Let us bring forth an age of stability in Tōrōgakure - An age the Fox is too primitive to understand!" - Noboru Asukai, Lead Adviser of the Phoenix Faction.

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Uranami Kasumi didn't panic.

She was like the sea on a sunny day; consistent and peaceful. Or that was what she was trying to tell herself right now as she bolted through the streets of Torogakure. Everything was going to be JUST fine, she told herself as she almost tripped on the stones. Moyu-chan's going to be okay, and I will have panicked for nothing-

But the sounds of conflict were reaching her ears, and her legs pumped that much faster. She hadn't expected something like this so soon, that the clan conflicts would get this out of hand. Part of her-that naïve, stupid part-had believed that things could be solved with words. How utterly idiotic. Turning a corner, Kasumi wanted to hit herself for such thoughts. She was too old for that childish nonsense, but she had truly hoped for it. Now it was abundantly clear that talk was going up in the smoke of war.

“I can’t focus on that…” She growled under her breath, feeling her teeth biting into her lip. She had to go help their allies; this could turn into the worst fight yet if people weren’t careful. And she would rather die than allow her best friend to be caught up in that.

The Hibiki District was more familiar than most to her, but it would still take her time to get there-granted she didn’t run into any fox faction members along the way. She’d considered taking to the rooftops, but that was just asking to be seen. At least she could slip into alleyways if she needed to, but even then…

As if by clockwork, voices sounded around the bend, and Kasumi dove into the nearest side street, wedging her way between some boxes. If they were her kin, she’d reveal herself, but the flashes of earthy tones told her otherwise. Best to stay hidden for now, and then move when the coast was clear, even if she hated it. Part of her wanted to say screw it and run, but there was too much risk and she couldn’t make it there if she was being chased; she would never endanger Moyura like that.

The chattering and footfalls came and went, and the girl let out the breath she hadn’t even been aware she was holding, and finally gave in. She bit her thumb like it was natural at this point, and the hand signs flowed with experience.

“Kuchiyose no jutsu…!” She murmured, allowing the puff of clouds to envelop her and reveal her new companion.

“Sumicchi! What’s going on?!” The little shark seemed too confused by the fact that they were ducking in a side street; this was a new one for them. Kasumi led them both out onto the main road and turned to her little friend, smiling weakly.

“I’m so sorry, Samekichi…we have to find Moyu-chan.”

The whole prospect of this conflict was overwhelming to Moyura. Every choice made weighed so much, every turn something big was happening. Riots, brawls, violence, raised voices. The tension in the air was like molasse: stiff and goopy and uncomfortable. She didn't like it. She didn't like it all. When would it end? Would it ever end? The village was supposed to be their safe haven, as safe as a village attacked twice was, but this... is was not safe. This wasn't sanctuary.

But, sanctuary or not, she couldn't run away. Even if all her instincts said to run. To bolt, to dash, to get as far away from here and everything that came with it. Even if it wasn't safe, she couldn't leave. Sanctuary or not, the Fox had decided to attack her home, and that was something she couldn't take lightly. She had chosen Phoenix, and that was one reason. Her family was all here, she had no interest in going against the choice of her clan. She knew well enough her choice was blind, but her choice was still her own. Her family had chosen Phoenix, and so she was here. This choice may have lead to this dilemma, but it's strife was something she had to take head on.

Pursing her lips, Moyura could barely hear her own thoughts over the chaos. The skirmish was hard to follow, making it hard to think. Voices were calling things from every direction, jutsu was flying. Was that a plant attacking over there? Once more the thought of slipping away from it all crossed her mind. The whole ordeal just screamed danger, violently and loudly. Overwhelmingly. She had faced greater terrors, the Masked Men were so terrifying they froze her heart but this... this had its own brand of fear. A fear for the future, for her own safety. Was the inside of the village even their own anymore? "Arara..." she mumbled, speaking out loud to ground herself. Her thoughts were getting out of hand. In the end, there was only one choice. At the moment most of those around her were wrapped in their own fights and conflicts, she hadn't been noticed yet. It was for the best, she figured, it gave her time to figure out a course of action. Perhaps find someone who needed support? There must be younger kids around, or genin that could use back up. She wouldn't be any use against higher ranked opponents but if she could find someone weak, maybe she could be of at least a little use.

Yes, that sounded good. "This'll work, it'll work," she assured herself, taking a deep breath to solidify the confidence. With that decided her focus turned to the crowd before her, how to decide someone was weak? Look for younger ones? Injured ones? "Mou..." she grumbled, realizing this was harder than she thought. How was a weakling to gauge the strength of others? Another deep breath, no no, she had to do this, she wasn't going to be a coward. Not this time. Not when her family needed her.

It was then that something caught her attention. Familiar teal hair. At least she was pretty sure it was familiar, the way the braid swayed as the figure bobbed through the crowd. And... Samekichi? Oh yes, it had to be! Was calling out safe, though? Everyone else was yelling ahead so maybe... Cupping her hands, Moyura called out, "Sumi-chan! Are you doing alright?! Same-kun too?"

The duo finally broke out into the main fight, watching in muted horror at the anarchy. Kasumi could pinpoint people she knew easily, and it made her stomach churn violently. How had it ended up like this? She knew the answer that question of course, but she still found herself asking it as she started to move forward, though froze as several people rolled on the ground in front of her, mid-brawl. She began to carefully maneuver her way through, trying not to get caught in anything, but that was proving to be rather difficult. There came a point when the Uranami girl finally found herself stuck between people, cradling Samekichi in her arms.

There was a faint voice, a familiar tone that caught Kasumi’s ears and made her whip her head around and try to see through the chaos. She knew that voice, but the panic around her was muffling everything. She wanted to scream, couldn’t they all just get out of her way?! It was uncharacteristic of her, but Uranami Kasumi was just about ready to throw people out of her way.

“Did you hear that, Sumicchi?!” Samekichi inquired, looking up to her with worry. He was ready to help them through the crowd as needed, but that would require slapping and biting their way through. She nodded without looking at the hammerhead, and finally made her decision. She bolted forward and slammed through the crowd, using her height to her advantage.

Samekichi tucked himself closer to her body, but ready to jump out and assist as needed. That moment came in a few moments, when a body flung itself at the duo and the shark burst out of her grasp and clamped down on the person’s arm. Kasumi didn’t even have time to register what was going on; she ripped her summon from the offending appendage and continued forward, noting that Samekichi had left a few teeth behind as a souvenir.

“They’ll grow back,” He called, “Let’s focus on finding Moyucchi!!”  They continued until after what seemed like forever, they spotted a tiny head of blonde hair, and Kasumi could feel the weight being lifted off her shoulders.

“MOYU-CHAN!” She called, racing through the mess around her towards her friend.

After calling out, Moyura looked quickly to those around her, sighing with relief when she realized they hadn't shifted their attention toward her. Now if only she could get closer. Had Kasumi heard her? She wasn't sure but with this crowd it was better if both of them took the initiative to get closer. It didn't seem like Kasumi was with anyone, and in the end it was better to act in groups so to close the distance as soon as possible seemed the best course of action. Another deep breath and Moyura steeled her nerves once more, following Kasumi with her eye as she tried to weave between the various tussles between them. Once more, Moyura couldn't help but be glad for her size. She may not have the strength or power but with her stature she managed to slip and squirm through the masses, carefully weaving through.

She got knocked around a few times, elbows and hips and shoving and despite wincing she worked to keep on her usual front. Everything was fine. It'll be fine. Her mantra repeated as another elbow got her in the back, stumbling a few steps forward she mentally cursed at the pain. Pulling an omamori out of her obi, she clutched it close, quietly praying to make it through it all. The next fox faction member she slipped by, Moyura tapped lightly on the side after weaving a set of hand signs. A few of her bruises faded and she pressed on further. Kasumi was becoming clearer in the crowd, she was almost there. She could almost even make out of her voice! Relief set in, only to gasp as she caught sight of even Kasumi getting caught up in something.

She tried to call out, but the sound got caught in her throat. Nothing came out  but a choke. Pressing forward again, Moyura gasped as she watched Kasumi break free and even Sakekichi's fight. Part of her couldn't help but puff up proudly for her friend. So cool! So strong! But the seriousness of it all pushed her cheer side as she picked up the pace to close the distance.

Meeting Kasumi midway, Moyura reached out to hold onto her friend's arm, "Sumi-chan, are you okay? You almost got knocked down!" she gasped, eyes wide as she quickly looked over her friend. "Its all such a mess! I'm glad you're here, I couldn't find anyone else in this! They'll be okay, right? Y-yes, they'll be okay! But I'm glad to see you! We'll stick together now right?" Nerves took control and Moyura continued to ramble on, her usual smiles cracked and frantic worry filling in the gaps.

Finding Moyura sent a wave of relief through Kasumi’s body. She couldn’t help her body from slacking a bit, letting some of the tension out of her bones if only for a moment. But no sooner had she let herself relax than the shouting reached her ears again and Kasumi naturally moved in front of her friend, blocking her from a particularly hard shove that made the Uranami girl cringe a bit in discomfort. It was a small price to pay for the safety of her friend, but Samekichi’s growl at the man made it clear it hadn’t been a love tap.

“Thumicchi!” The lack of some teeth had given the small shark a bit of a lisp, but it didn’t seem to be bothering him too much. He instead put his attention back to the Fox Faction member that had caused the offense, but found them currently advancing on a Hibiki man, looking positively murderous. That must’ve been whom pushed them in the first place, but that didn’t matter now. All the group knew was that someone of their faction was about to get their ass kicked, and they needed to stop it. Kasumi finally let Samekichi out of her grip and lowered herself into a comfortable, combative posture.

“Moyu-chan…we sadly cannot stay idle much longer, as much as I would like us to,” She murmured, the sound almost lost in the chaos if not for the fact Moyura was right there, “We need to help defend your home, even if it means fighting familiar faces…” A face popped into Kasumi’s mind and she quickly shook her head, as if to dispel it.

“It’s time to take our stand…let’s go!” She called, running forward with Samekichi leading the vanguard, mouth open and ready to lose more teeth.

Still holding onto her friend, Moyura squeaked in surprise as they shuffled around to accommodate the new actions around them. "Sumi-chan?" she asked quietly, putting a hand on her friend's back in concern for being shoved. Part of her mind, distracted by the shark growl, mused over the sound but that was quickly pushed aside. No time, no time. She could ask the hammerhead about the sounds he could make another time. This most certainly was NOT the time to get distracted. Peering around Kasumi to get a better view of what was going on, she kept her hand on her friend's back. Making a face at the offending fox faction member's back. Not even paying attention to them! How rude! Or... maybe she should be grateful for his focus. Noting a clan mate, she turned that thought right around. Nope, no way was her family going to be a punching bag for some brute. No way at all! Aaah but he looked kind of strong... could they really handle it?

Shaking negativity away once more, Moyura put on a grin as she nodded to Kasumi's words in hearty agreement. "I can't let people knock around family, not at all." Unlike Kasumi, she had no particular conflicting interests. The Fox faction members were all faces in the crowd. If that. They were obstacles and threats, right now they were nothing but foes. As Kasumi took her stance, Moyura inched out from behind her to get a clear view of it all. Aim would be key in this brawl, she didn't want to accidentally hit any nearby allies with any of her jutsu. Taking a deep breath, she held her hands up ready to preform jutsu, "He doesn't seem to notice us... shall we kick off our counter attack with a multi hit water strike? A good knock in the back should kick him down, yes?" Her eye glinted slightly, she looked to Kasumi with a rare look of serious, "Lets defend our ground, shall we?"