Aspen - Information

3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago
2 557

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 10 months ago

May keep blurbs, information, or general ideas about his past and personality here. General information and common knowledge kept here, I've got some things figured out for him in terms of future character development and more information on his past, but all that's not going to found here.

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Relationships and Past

[Limited information on his past, as he largely refuses to share about it.]

He grew up with his mother and father, along with an older brother. Got along fairly well with his brother and father, but his mother seems to be more of a sore subject. His brother would grow up to be a scholar, and his mother and father would eventually go their own ways, but it would be inaccurate to say that it was an unhappy childhood. He sometimes goes to visit his brother, and sometimes his brother comes to visit Aspen. 

Aspen never really had any idea of what he wanted to do with his life, and wandered largely around keb hubs in search of somewhere to settle down. He found some friends in the junkyard and found that it actually made a good fit for him. He finds fun and action in arena fights (no matter how nervous they make his brother), and enjoys some thinking and quiet time on runs.

When he visits his brother he finds it somewhat awkward to be around so many strangers, and often doesn’t know what to do with himself in a room full of so many books. His brother may recommend one for him and he’ll try it, but he’s overwhelmed by all the options. When he’s introduced as his brother’s brother, some kebs may find it strange that they look so different (except their colors). 

When Aspen’s brother comes to visit him, he is often surprised by the kindness that such rough-and-tumble kebs show. As happy as he is that his brother has found somewhere to belong to, he can’t help the fact that he’s very uncomfortable in an atmosphere that’s essentially the polar opposite of the Seaside Library.

Aspen has worked to maintain a very healthy relationship with all of his family members. He keeps in close contact with his brother, and they both will often go visit their parents for holidays or special occasions together. Aspen’s brother is hesitant with leaving Aspen alone with his mother given their past, but he acknowledges the steps forward that his mother has taken.