Behind the Scenes

3 years, 11 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
6 4791

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

an insight behind Emberclan's leader and why she made the choices that impacted her clan so much.

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The Sickness

Wildstar laid alone in her den as the last faint streams of sunlight danced through the den's entrance. A silvery fish laid in front of her nest with a few bites taken from it. she looked down at it, her thoughts fuzzy through a fever.

White-cough had taken over the leader harshly, leaving her dizzy, and her thoughts dazed. The leader kept herself inside of her den, only allowing her higher ranks, and young, strong, and healthy warriors to enter. The leaf-bare this year was harsh already, and the last thing the clan needed was an outbreak of the cough.

Her thoughts were still haunted by Kindlestorm's face. As they sunk further down into the frozen over lake. Wildstar tried her hardest to rescue them, but they were out of her reach. It had only been a few days since the incident, but Wildstar couldn't shake the chill it brought onto her, or the nightmares.

Finally the sun set over the lake, and Wildstar snuggled into her nest, alone, and peaceful.

With her eyes closed, her fever seemed to subside and her sniffles vanished. Relief spread over Wildstar. Thank starclan She thought to herself Maybe I was just overly tired.

It wasn't until a breeze flew through her ears did she finally open her eyes. Wildstar was shocked to see she was laying in a grassy field. A beautifully painted sunset loomed overhead as buttercups, yellow carnations and orange lilies swayed in the breeze.

Her green eyes widened as she scrambled to her paws. Her brow furrowed. Did I...die? Am I in starclan? the orange leader thought to herself as she looked around in fear. Was it green cough all along? What if it was and it spreads to the rest of the clan? Her mind started to race before she heard the grass shuffle behind her.

Whipping around she saw a silvery tabby she-cat standing behind her. Wildstar scuffled back a few paw steps before asking "W-who are you?"

The unknown cat gave a smile at the leader. "My name is Blizzardfang, and I'm here to give you a warning, Wildstar." the silver she-cat mewed. Her blue eyes seemed to gleam as a cautious tone laced her words as she spoke.

Wildstar's fur began to prickle, but she relaxed herself. If she  was in starclan, what would she have to distrust? Everyone always talked about their warrior ancestors doing good, even if Wildstar didn't believe in them- at least until now.

"If you do not listen to me, Wildstar, your control over your clan will end." Wildstar stiffened in shock.

"What?" Wildstar gasped.

Almost as if Wildstar had not replied, Blizzardfang continued. "If Emberclan finds out they are ruled by a murderer, they will get rid of you." The stranger hissed "Shadowrunner is the grandson of a disgraceful leader, he will not be a successful leader from his blood. If Emberclan rids you, your clan will be in ruins."

Panic rose in her chest as the leader listened to Blizzardfang.

"But that can't happen? I didn't kill Kindlestorm! Everyone knows I tried to save him!" Wildstar shouted in panic "a-and the other clans won't let one of the clans fall. There's always been four clans."

Blizzardfang let out a small smile. "The clans are more divided than you like to think, Wildstar." the silver tabby mewed. 

Using her claw she sketched out each of the clans symbols into the dirt, before drawing lines between each of them, dividing them into two groups.

Her blue eyes seemed to piece Wildstar as she started to speak again. 

"As for that little flame- No one else was on that patrol. How suspicious is that? A leader and a warrior go out on a patrol together, only for the leader to come back claiming the warrior is dead? Of course your clanmates are thinking that in that back of their heads, but no one, not even starclan, has confirmed that."

Blizzardfang unsheathed her claws as she crossed out Emberclan in the dirt.

"and of course, Starclan won't confirm that, so long as you listen to me."

Wildstar looked down at the dirt. Would my clanmates really believe that I killed someone?

The image flashed in her mind. A starclan cat telling Heatherbounce and Huricanewatcher that she murdered one of their clanmates, and then having the entire clan revolting to have her exiled.

"I-I'll do whatever you want, just please don't tell them!" Wildstar pleaded with the tabby.

Blizzardfang smiled. "I thought you would say that." She mewed as she turned her back on the leader.

"I'll come visit you tomorrow- and we'll see what we can do about it." She added before starting to pad away into the nearby forest. Her blue eyes looked back at Wildstar.

A shiver ran down Wildstar's spine as she looked down at the patch of dirt, before she was suddenly thrown back into the waking world.

The emberclan leader jolted her head up, seeing Shadowrunner looking at her through the entrance.

"Sorry to wake you, Wildstar, I just thought you'd like to know that the hunting patrols have gone out a bit early to help combat the shortage, if that's alright with you." Shadowrunner mewed politely.

Wildstar stared at Shadowrunner- Blizzardfang's words coming back to her.

"Uh- that's alright, Shadowrunner-" Her mew was broken by some coughing.

"I'll let you get some more sleep, sorry for waking you. I'll make sure to get Heatherbounce to check up on you later." Shadowrunner mewed, quietly exiting the den.