Wedding Bells

3 years, 11 months ago
3 years, 11 months ago
2 2130

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

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Part 1.

The young king felt the color drain from his face as he gazed across the table at his advisor. He felt his stomach drop and his mouth fell agape at the suggestion. His advisor dropped the same suggestion again.

 "Your majesty, I know from your expression that the idea of an arranged marriage seems unpleasant but consider it for the sake of rebuilding. The Chavardov family has many resources that could help and status as well as connections" the older man said his grey eyes serious as his brow wrinkled. The young ruler let a small sigh his lips and closed his eyes.

 "I promised when I received this position that I would do all i could for the people" he said softly his eyes fluttering open once more with a determined look to their depths. He was given the name royal for a reason afterall. He gave a small nod to his advisor and hid his apprehension behind a smile. His advisor gave a simple nod bowing his head.

 "I will bring you the papers to make arrangements late today your majesty. Until then I will leave you to your work" the older man said and made his way over to the door leaving royal alone with the charts and paperwork laid across the desk.

 Without anyone else there Royal's fingers immediately went to his tail. He began to fidget with the petals his thoughts turning over and over about the situation. A few of the chocolate petals fell to the floor. His chest felt tighter and tigher as he wondered what it would be like to have a spouse. Someone he didn't even know. He had hoped when he did marry it would be for love. Was it a stupid hope? He was a ruler after all for a broken nation. He should of been thinking of what would of been best for everyone. Yet still, he had wanted one thing for himself. His thoughts were a mess as he sat slumped in his chair fingers tugging at the petals of the flower on his tail. He felt warm tears roll down his cheek before he could stop them.

 "... King?" a voice called sounding distant over his own thoughts. Callused fingers tilted his delicate chin up, making royal's deep brown eyes meet the almost gemlike purple eyes of his knight captain. Cardon... the familiar face should of eased his emotions but instead everything he was holding back came out in small vulnerable hiccups that rattled his body. More and more tears rolled down as Cardon's fingers wiped away one after the other.

 "You're upset" the knight observed still wiping away his king's tears almost like he had done such a task a thousand times. Maybe he had... afterall Cardon had been there always for Royal. Every quiet hidden moment over overwhelming anxiety, he'd find his knight there to help him clean up and scold him about holding in all his emotions. Cardon had been the one sent to find the heir to the crown so many years ago. That was where they met. Royal still remembered Cardon's hands clutching his tightly as the knight insisted Royal was the next king. It was the most determined he had ever seen his knight and still over the years they had grown close.

  Royal felt the tears begin to stop after a few long moments. His hiccups slowly began to ease until all that was left was a few small sniffles. He began to wipe away his tears before gazing back at Cardon, his deep brown eyes once again meeting Cardon's gem like purple eyes.

 "I felt overwhelmed by something" Royal confessed his voice soft almost an inaudible whisper.

 "what was overwhelming?" Cardon asked pulling a chair over to sit by royal. His fingers were gentle as they moved through Royal's soft dark hair. Cardon's brows wrinkled and he leaned in closer. Royal ran his teeth across his lip and tugged at the petals on his tail. His eyes flitted away from Cardon's.

 "An arranged marriage" Royal managed to choke out his words strained. He felt his chest tighten again like a snake was constricting his heart. It felt hard to breathe focusing on the idea again. Cardon set his hand atop Royal's his gaze gentle.

 "Royal... you don't have to do that" Cardon muttered the concern obvious in his voice. He squeezed Royal's hand gently. Royal took one of Cardon's hands in his own almost leaning into the knight's presence. He fiddled with Cardon's fingers feeling the scars and rough skin. A sigh left his chest.

 "Cardon... it would be whats best for everyone. Thats why you picked me right? You needed someone who would rule and put the people first" Royal muttered "... our kingdom almost lost everything. I want... to help.".

 Cardon let Royal fuss with his fingers. He was quiet a long lingering moment as silence settled in the room. Royal felt himself frown a moment still worrying over the idea. Caron gently used his other hand to brush some of Royal's loose hair behind his pointed ears. He leaned closer.

 "You don't have to go that far. You already give everything to the people. Don't you think this is too far?" Cardon whispered.

 "Its the best choice" Royal insisted shaking his head.

 "What if its not the best choice for you?" Cardon said.

"What matters is the kingdom" Royal insisted shaking his head more still fiddling with Cardon's fingers. He didn't want to pull away even if they were arguing. He just wanted a few more moments in Cardon's comfort.

 "Just take a few days to think on it. Maybe theres something better that could be done. For now you can borrow my shoulder if you still need to cry. Later... lets go somewhere." Cardon relented. He tugged Royal closer so the king's head rested on his shoulder practically tugging Royal into his lap.

"Lunch outside? like we used to?" Royal muttered softly mulling over the idea outloud. A light chuckle rumbled from Cardon's chest and Royal could feel it.

 "Yes unless you'd prefer dinner outside. It would be very hard to find our way in the dark then wouldn't it " Cardon joke an almost lilt to his voice. He sounded more light hearted in moments like these where it was just him and Royal. The king definitely appreciated it. It eased his nerves in a way.

 "Time outside would be nice. A king is supposed to see his kingdom" Royal chuckled in response nestling his head into Cardon's shoulder a moment. He was glad the knight was in his more casual attire otherwise the whole thing would be much more uncomfortable. As much as paintings made being held by a knight look nice, armor was often cold and very hard.

"Ah yes and should I offer milord my hand again then?" Cardon hummed with a playful lilt. Royal pushed Cardon away frowning almost pouting wrinkling his nose.

 "OH youre the worst for that joke" Royal huffed.

 "I am? Oh no. Is it off with my head?" Cardon teased more

"You'll have to be in service of the crown for the rest of your life" Royal declared trying to sound as regal as he could before he fell into a fit of laughter. He laughed a bit too hard leaning back. His balance in the chair faltered and he began to fall back. His fingers instinctively curled around Cardon's arm yanking the knight down with him. Royal couldn't stop laughing laying there on the floor. Cardon dissolved into laughter as well rolling to the side to lay beside royal. 

 Cardon reached a hand out a smile on his face as he gazed at the smile on Royal's face. Gently he brushed strands of hair behind one of Royal's ears. Their eyes met again and Cardon let out a small hum moving closer. 

 "Got you to smile didn't I?" he lilted yet again.