Birth of Known

4 years, 2 months ago

No thoughts brain owls

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Clyde set off past the sandwall on foot, his destination clear, off in the distance. The looming Teran farmhouse, a little bit neglected now since his friend disappeared. The easiest route being through the saltflats, he made the mildly dangerous journey. Sand drifting over salt, around his feet, in the dry coarse wind. The sun overbearing down on the land. Even the critters weren't out today, all nestled neatly in their little holes and burrows. It took Clyde around 10 minutes to reach the place, and looking at its state is terrible. The desert is halfway taking over what little arable land there was, the house starting to look more and more decrepit as the days go on. Holes and splintered wood littering the outside, with the front door wide open.

Even from the outside, Clyde heard faint mumbling, faint rambling and scratches. Inside it was worse, as he could hear his once friend at his desk, scraping away at his pencil. Littered around the floor, all throughout the room, were dozens of scribbled on paper with various symbols and shapes. Faces that didn't resemble humans, peoples faces but wrong and distorted, even himself on one. The man approached the creaking chair, the mumbling and scribbling increasing. Faster and faster.

"J- James are you okay?" Clyde would say, all sound going dead silent.

Off to Clyde's side, he heard movement, only for nothing to be there except for papers shifting around in the dark. No matter how hard he looked, he couldn't see what was beyond the veil. His mind playing tricks on him maybe?
A pressure on his chest startled him back to reality, looking down he saw his once friend now wrapped around Clyde. Face in his chest. Shaking, shivering, until he pulled away. A smile etched across his face, and empty eyes staring back up.
"There is no more of who you are looking for, he has ascended beyond that of what is necessary for a name." He'd say, fluttering around the room. Skipping to a beat only he could hear.
"He has seen the other side of the hole, the door has been opened in the back of his mind! UNKNOWN has Shown KNOWN the true nature, the purpose of this world, this reality!"
"James you're not making any sense-."
"Ooooh, no James, only KNOWN now. And yes Known is making sense. Soon you too will understand. Soon everyone will understand whence their mortal coils falter and become one with the matter of this universe and their souls ascend to the true masters of existence. Becoming food, fuel for their works. We are all but on their plate, souls for them to nurture and create, like the farm KNOWN once had. UNKNOWN had showed it to me. UNKNOWN wishes to save all of us, don't you understand?"
"I...wha-" Clyde would have been backing away as his once friend rambled, scrambling and moving papers around the room. Looking down, looking back at Clyde through the window of papers scattered and placed by KNOWN, was the peculiar face of an aberration he had been baring witness to his whole life. Out the corner of his eye while farming. In his dreams.
UNKNOWN. Glaring at him through the papers. Unmoving as always. It didn't take Clyde long to dash as far away as possible.

KNOWN sat at the door watching his friend run and run all the way back to the town of nonbelievers. Watching him run all the way to the town of beings who only drag him down. He crawled back to his desk, pencil in hand, and began to scribble more. Mumbling more of the same as he was before. Eyes clear and focused down on the paper. The shape of someone taking form on the paper. Not an owl, but someone who wouldn't be here in years. As he finished, he smiled larger. Sticking the page onto the wall before going outside himself.