Dendrite Belldandy

3 years, 11 months ago

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TH: SkyeFairy99

Discord: SkyeFairy#6613

Name: Dendrite 

Nickname: Den, North, Gentle wind. 

Palette: #2 or #4 (Leaning to 4)

Gender: Male 

Sexuality: Demi-Pan (Female lean) “Love everyone instead of spreading hate”

Mate: None

Children: None 

Age: 50+

Purpose: His purpose is to watch over those that have lost themselves in the snowy mountains of The Alps. He makes sure that they are safe while a rescue team makes their way to them. He has even helped guide the rescue teams to people who are in danger. 

Edits: Small fangs, Cloven Hooves, Fluffy legs, Fluffy Body, Small horns. 

Features: Features of his body that help him in his ecosystem. 

Head: His head is full of fluff and small horns on the top of his head to be able to protect himself and those he watches over from any danger. He may be small but he is willing to help those in need. His eyes are shut as most belldandies, and his ears are slightly smaller than most, at least that’s what he thinks. 

Horns: His horns are tough, and because of their small size, they aren’t easily broken or damaged. 

Neck: His neck has very dense fur, this helps him stay warm in the cold elements of the mountain and keep his neck safe from any dangers up the mountain. 

Body: Like his neck his body has dense fur. This fur is meant to keep him warm while up in the mountains, it is even wind resistant so during blizzards he would be alright. 

Pattern: The pattern on his body is that of a snow leopard. (Depends on the palette) 

Palette #2: this coat helps him blend in with the environment, but though he blends, he uses his bells to guide rescue teams to the travelers in need or to help the adventures find a safe place to stay till the team gets there. 

Palette #4: This coat may have cyan and green colors but that helps those in need and rescue teams to easily follow the strange colors to safety. Even in blizzards this bizarre color combination can be seen. Because of his colors he was given the title of the Bell Whisp. Though unlike other folklore, he is kind and helps lead you to safety. 

Legs: His legs have the same fluffiness as the rest of his body. These legs help him climb up the mountain when it’s too dangerous to fly due to a blizzard. 

Tail: His tail is long but fluffy, it is insulated by the fur and helps him keep balance as he climbs up mountains and rocks he calls home. 

Sight: As said before his eyes are closed like more belldandies. However, he doesn’t have this kind of sight that is like an out of body experience, his mind senses life force in color. During a blizzard he may only see dark blues, greys, and black, but a life force can be any colors of the rainbow, or multicolored. The bright and dimness show him how alive the person is. The colors form shapes so he can see how big the person is, the gender, he can even see trees, caves, and other biotic and abiotic things in his ecosystem. 

Hearing: His hearing is amazing. He claims his ears are smaller than most belldandies because they don’t get frostbite, but they are just covered in his dense fur so they prevent frostbite. His hearing is incredible, he is able to hear everything in his territory, which is how he can get his food and find people in need. 

Nose: His nose isn’t as strong as his hearing but it is still good. in close proximities to his food source of people, he will be able to smell it before sensing it with his sight. 

Fangs: His fangs help get at his food and defend himself from danger. They are more fragile than his horns but they still get their uses. They are more for display to not mess with him than anything else. 

Hooves: His hooves are cloven, this helps to be like snow shoes on the snow and help him keep balance while climbing and act like ice picks when climbing up the mountain. They are strong and he doesn’t have much sensation in them so the cold doesn’t bother his feet. The bottom of his hooves have thick skin and a smaller version of his dense fur to prevent frostbite. Like insulated snow shoes and ice picks. 

Personality: Dendrite has a personality that is hard to explain but I will do my best. He can be stoic most of the time when he is alone but he feels concern for those who have fallen to the ice wrath of the mountains. He is caring and kind hearted. He is very persistent when it comes to helping everyone, dropping everything to do so. He may also not speak much but his facial expressions can give you all the words he needs to say about anything. He is wise, having lived for so long, and he helps other belldandy's that travel through the mountains, even allowing them to stay in his den until they have a safer condition to leave the mountains. 

Location: He lives in the mountain range known as The Alps, specifically the mountain known as Mont Blanc. 

Bio: Dendrite lived with his family when he was young, however, as his fur grew and grew more and more denser, he began to get too hot. When he was of age he told his parents he would be leaving to find a home that suited him. His parents agreed seeing that their son was suffering from the heat. With a last goodbye he left. It took him 5 years to find a place for himself, stopping on Mont Blanc to take a break during a blizzard. A couple of hours later he felt a presence, one that was dying. He searched for it and once he found it, it was a human, unconscious. He didn’t know what to do. The blizzard was thick and he was too small to help the human, until he heard others. He followed their noise and came across the rescue team. He used his bells and/or coat to guide the team to the fallen human. They managed to get the traveler to safety in time. Dendrite followed the team to see if everyone was ok, which they were, but they started to talk about him and they called him the Bell Whisp. He was proud of himself and decided to stay in the mountains. He had found where he belonged, he also wasn’t too hot there, in fact he can tell you there were times where he felt cold.