Passion Glow Short Answer

3 years, 11 months ago

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This little kits favorite flower is the Bluebell- also called a harebell due to the belief of some beings turning into hares and hiding among them. Not only can they be blue- as the name suggests but also an off-white color, the kit cannot decide which they prefer; the blues vibrancy or the softer looking white bulbs. The fascination with them began when he got separated from his family and- scared and alone- he, through his tears, saw a small cluster of them growing. The sight filled the small kit with hope and awe, so that once he eventually found his family he couldn't stop talking about them. And even now- he still goes to that spot to take care of that cluster of flowers.

The kit had found out by doing some curious research some meanings of his newly-found favorite flower, apparently in a long-forgotten age they had most related to humility and gratitude, As well as he found a rather saddening tale about them, apparently being seen as bad luck to some. Calling upon creatures with their "bells", and if the ringer were to hear the ring of the bells someone close to them would disappear. That thought, scared him- but he also found it rather unfortunate that such a delicate beautiful flower would have such harsh superstitions about it. Another fact the kit had stumbled upon in his long nights of research were both of the plants poison and of its more medicinal properties.

All of the research the kit had found quickly spurred him down the path in life of alchemy and chemistry- out of an attempt to change the view on the beautiful small flowers- feeling somewhat akin to them, both being small, but persevering.