Raven in a Storm

5 years, 10 months ago
5 years, 9 months ago
2 476 2

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 10 months ago

Mild Violence
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Pumpkin curled around her two kits, trying to keep them warm. She looked up as she heard leaves rustling, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was just her mate. “Are you ready?” he asked.

Pumpkin nodded, and smiled sadly at the kit she knew she wouldn’t see again for moons. She sat up, and picked up the gray and black tabby. She mewed and squirmed as Pumpkin passed her to her father. He nodded, and leaped back over the fence. He ran, needing to get the kit back to his Clan before the icy winter air could hurt her. They soon made it to the edge of the forest, where the large black cat walked along the edge until he reached a field. He ran through it, with the frost crunching under his paws, and the moonlight illuminating his path in the cloudless December night. His kit mewed louder. He was worried she was getting cold.

When he finally reached his Clan camp, the black cat dropped the kit in the medicine den. The medicine cat, who was a light sleeper, yawned and looked up. “Oh my! What is this?”

“I found her just outside the camp alone.”

“Ah,” the medicine cat meowed, licking the kit, “I wonder if any of the queens will take her in. I can ask in the morning, and keep the kit safe here for now.”

The black cat smiled, glad his kit was in good hands, and headed back to his den to sleep.