Exceptionally Gay - Second Bonding

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
3 3957

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

Seth tricks Sylas into getting second bonded with him, it's pretty gay

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A Deal Is Made

Dressing himself up on the pure white clothes adorn with golden trim over his dark colored tank top the maids always shook their head at him for, Seth was dressing up to go meet his new possible servant. A personal servant of a sort that he planned to bond to if all went well. He has only seen pictures of this long haired male, sitting and reading books among many magical items. They were secret pictures also, so not the best, but Seth did enjoy what he saw so far.

“Sir, the guest is washed and ready.” Turning at that familiar voice, he looked over the older gentleman with his scaled skin and tail, horns pressed back against his head as he looked over his young master.

“Thank you Simon, how are they taking everything?”

“Well, he’s waiting in the dining area for you.” Simon couldn’t say he approved of Seth's methods, but he was happy and he often didn’t speak out against him unless he was being unreasonably cruel.

Heading down the long halls and then stairs with a bit of pep to his step, his feline like ears twitched along with his tail, excited to meet this pretty male that could possibly be his. He loved it when people were just his to touch and play with, and after his previous one was taken away from him he was left so upset at the world. Not for much longer though, he wanted another sweet darling to be his. Willingly of course, as he had learned his lesson in just buying pretty servants that were eye pleasing and lovely looking.

Picking at the robe the servants had dressed him in, it was quite odd for Sylas to be waited on hand and foot. The cranky old warlock that had basically raised him hadn't given anything but the bare minimum to the fairy boy, much less ever dressed him. What was with such loose fitting things though? He felt as if just the slightly miscalculation in his movements would cause the fabric to slip from his shoulders. That surely couldn't be by design, perhaps they had simply gotten the wrong size. He was larger than most people would think a fairy could be, being as big as a human, but his build was thin and slim in that elegant way, like a dancer.

Simply having to hope that everything would stay in place while he ate, he was looking forward to an extravagant diner. Part of him was excited to meet the old man that was wanting to take up a slave for books as well. After talking to Simon, he expected them to be a bit eccentric, but that was a given ever since he had gotten whisked away to begin with.

Hoping none would mind if he took a sneak peak at the first promised grimoire just for coming here, Sylas cracked open the first chapter. It was even in a language he only partially knew~ it was beautiful.

He'd likely be too distracted to take notice if anyone came in without a big announcement.

Being part feline, it was no surprise that Seth’s steps were quiet. Even if he wasn’t trying to be, he very much was a rather silent type. Brushing his golden hair from his face as it bounced and swayed, if he didn’t love the style he had so much he may debate letting it grow out or trim it more but noooo, he loved his shorter hair that only occasionally was a pain in the butt.

Taking it upon himself to head to the dining area, he paused in the door to watch the male also dressed in looser and white clothes. It looked so nice against their lighter skin color, and very much was that pretty person he wanted to bond with. He watched the other peek at the book that was offered as a gift for him to ‘visit’, looking so excited about the book. So easily pleased, which Seth was more than happy to take advantage of.

“There’s plenty more of where that came from.” Knowing it was rather rude to just lurk from the side, the prince announced himself as he entered the room. His tail twitching behind him as he came closer to the table. “My name is Seth, I’m the master of this estate. It’s a pleasure to meet you~”

Sloooowly starting to open the book, Sylas quickly closed it again when he heard the other announcing themselves. Sitting up straighter, he tilted his head slightly at the young blond headed boy. Huh, well that was unexpected. Knowing better than to comment that they looked rather young to be the head of the estate, the fairy rose from his seat to bow. "And to you. Though I'm sure you already know, my name is Sylas, one of the fae previously studying magic in the chronoscape."

It did please him that the other mentioned there being more of the ancient book. Sylas adored the smell of paper, even more so the runes to decipher inside to put spells together. "I look forward to staying here~ That is, if you find me suitable?" Perfectly fine with the give and take relationship, if his fair looks and exotic race would nab him a luxurious life, Sylas was more than willing to give up his freedom of travel for such a thing. He spent most of his life in the tower anyway, this was simply a bigger one; oh and the married life. But surely that wouldn't be too demanding, the young master Seth seemed nice enough so far. So what if they were a collector? He figured it'd be fine even if he weren't the only slave being kept for such a reason as long as he could read the books in peace, that might even be better.

Watching the male jump to life, Seth was already amused by the fairy. He at least reacted when spoken too and turned his attention to that person. This was a start and Seth figured he'd be a suitable ‘wife’ alongside him in the days to come even if he figured he'd need a little bit of training, many new people who came into his estate often did and it was an easy enough fix with the right attention given. They were already so willing for a taste of more books as well, leaving Seth wondering was this a warlock thing he didn’t know of.

“Oh I indeed find you suitable to stay, so we have ourselves a deal?” Pulling out a rolled up scroll and also a book as well as he knew how the strange warlocked adored the novels filled with magic learning and ancient languages, he also hoped it to be a distraction from the words laid before them on the scroll.

As the pretty fae scribbled his name on the paper, it lit up a nice soft blue colored as the ribbon reached out to take the bed. Afterwords rolling and tying itself back up into a pretty package that Seth picked up to return to his pocket.. Their deal was made, what if Seth played a little dirty to get what he wanted? Sylas was clearly happy with just his books, and Seth was going to be happy with his new husband pet that was his and his alone.

“Well, you must be very hungry after your long trip. Let’s sit down and eat before we continue the rest of the bonding parts.” Sitting himself down in a seat, the dish lids all vanished into thin air as he clapped, leaving only them to dig into the arrangement laid out for them.