Random shit

3 years, 11 months ago
1 year, 12 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

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Chapter 1

"Well, I'm my dad's only child for sure, I've never heard about any possible siblings so, despite my mother being out of the equation, I'm pretty certain I'm the only child." The teen boy would say, relaxing against a wall. He would make a point to continue talking. "I don't know exactly how my mother died, but I know she disappeared a long time ago." He'd slowly slide down from the position he took on the wall, slumping onto the floor without care. 

"You know, It makes me sad thinking about it. I wish I did have more family, but I guess having Cole around makes up for it. That's probably why I use 'bro' slang around him." He would try his best to be honest, though he did find it hard. Talking about his father made him heavily uncomfortable.

Tyler lives with his dad, who is a very very terrible man! He's done unspeakable things throughout his life such as Burning down a city and an orphanage, hunting down endangered mythical beasts, selling werewolf fur on the black market, stealing unicorn horns, mass genocide, chemical warfare, unusual punishment, kidnapping, demon summoning, enslavement, torture, nonconsensual experimentation, animal cruelty, etc. The only crimes he hasn't commited is sexual crimes. He does his best to get by and sometimes steals from his fathers bank account. (His father is RICH.) Tyler, admittedly, has taken in some bad habits from when his dad sent him to do some of his bad work when he was younger, such as learning some science in order to inject a tracker into a bunch of child werewolves.