Wolves moon:New blood

3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago
1 2208

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 10 months ago

Explicit Violence


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The pups

It had always been common since far before I was ever born that a wolf is not to be in any sort of relationship with a wolf from another pack. After all we were enemies, still me and drizzle had broken pack law. Fortunately we were able to confide in each other. I had been friends with drizzle since we were pups, I did everything with her. And now she lay here beside me, nursing my pup as well as her own.

But we weren’t mates, I had someone else as well as drizzle had her’s. The problem was the fact that both our mates just happened to be from firepack, alpha raina’s sworn enemies. We had both broken the rules and now drizzle and i paid the price, it was living in constant fear. Fear of being discovered. My mate was blaze, she was a strong capable wolf, i mean, she was the beta to firepack.

After she had given birth to our pup she had given her to me and drizzle to keep-so blaze was able to remain beta. Ash was drizzle’s mate, he was quite and shy, an opposite to drizzle’s large personality. Drizzle gave birth to her pup here and took care of both mine and her’s. We acted as though we were mates and they were ours, but it was a lie. Thankfully, we didn’t have to live a lie for very long…

“You know Sky and Star have to go” Drizzle told me softly one evening as i had come for a visit as most father’s did. Sky and star-the pups-were asleep at drizzle’s paws, sleeping so soundly. On the other end a dam rest peacefully, her daughter- waterscale-at her feet. “What!” i gasped, if she was inferring that we throw them out for the badgers, foxes, and crows to deal with, i’d have to beat some sense into her.

“We have to, or Alpha Raina will find out. I won’t risk my life.!” Drizzle snarled, she turned her head away from me in order to look at the pups. “And what does alpha raina know?” i snapped back to her, she seriously thought of throwing out our pups in order to save her own pelt. Drizzle glared at me for a moment before her mouth parted and she lowered her head in submission. I smiled, i might never be alpha nor close but it felt nice to have a little power in my paws.

“More than you” A voice said, i was scared to turn awound, i knew that heavy, condescending voice, it was alpha raina. “Shit.” i whispered, the thought of her made me sick. I slowly turned my head to see her, the moon shone behind her, the gems and jewels that draped her legs, neck, and tail shone in the bright moon light. And crystal embedded bandana hung around her neck, her name carved on it, proof she was an alpha.

Great, my favorite wolf ever!

Sprinkle had woken up and was now looking at us, curiosity in her eyes, she looked the alpha raina. “Hello, alpha raina. What brings you here?” she asked her alpha, in her normal sweet voice, alpha raina only nodded in acknowledgement to her before turning to me.

“Come with me” Alpha Raina said softer than i had expected, she nodded to again to sprinkle before turning to leave. I padded out of the nursery, following Alpha Raina as she lead me to her den, a place very few have ever been.

“WOW!” I gasped breathless at the sight, it was quite amazing, much better than the normal dens but what do you expect, she was the alpha. There were some piles of moss-covered, smooth stones at the far end, a soft looking bed of moss and bracken decorated in small sensual flowers, a large rabbit from the fresh-kill pile, and an old wolf skull, cracked and worn with age.

I nearly choked at the image of a wolf with his skull battered and bashed, it showing through his head, the skin and fur ripped off. In front of him a great she-wolf, blood bubbling at a wound on her chest but she paid to mind. She fulfilled her mission, she had killed him, she stood in triumph over his lifeless body.

I shook my head and finally found the courage to ask her quietly, “w-where’s the wolf skull from?”

She grinned, a large toothy smile that sent chills up my spin. A sick feeling settled in my gut, she looked down on me. “Firepack, filthy bastards.” she chuckled, “ripped it right from his ugly head.”

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat but i couldn’t, my mouth was dry and heart was screaming. If i was going to die, i would at least want to say goodbye to my daughter, to drizzle and her son. Then again, why would alpha raina kill me here, she could make an example out of me.

“Follow me” she said, she stood and left without saying anything more, i had a bad feeling about this, but i knew better than to argue.


As I walked, I could tell they were heading in Firepack direction, not just by the sent but the way the soggy trees dripping with water became dry and even scourched. We were almost to the border when i saw them, a large red and yellow she-wolf, around her neck a bandanna like alpha raina’s. This was firea, the alpha of firepack.

(A bit of a story to how all the alpha’s had similar names. You see, the alpha’s before them were friends. Maybe to that close but still, they didn’t fight pointless wars like they did now. The alpha’s had all decided to take a wolf once she was born, give her a name based off the pack and nurture her to be an alpha. They were all chosen from birth, unfortunately alpha raina and firea hated each other something fierce.)

“Hey wet paws!” firea sneered, she and alpha raina were always at each other’s throats. Alpha raina ignored her insult, we all ignored them, all of rain pack had gotten used to it. Beside firea stood blaze, her beta, my mate. She looked at me, her face as shocked as I was at seeing her here. Damn.

“You all know me” Firea snarled, laughing threw her growl, firea was terrifying, “This is my beta Blaze!”-Blaze dipped her head as if she might cry, her face grew redder than her fur, she took a quivering breath.-“Or at least she was.” firea glared down at her formar beta, who was now crying. She then turned to raina and said, “Where is the other”

“Don’t get on me about it! I thought I was to bring one at a time. YOU DID NOT BRING ASH!!” Alpha Raina howled bitterly at firea, firea snorted, rolling her red, demon like eyes. A small wolf, light grey, stepped from behind Firea, his head bowed low in submission. His legs shook, ready to give way under the weight of his body and firea’s demonic stare.

I stumbled back, tripping on the leaves beneath my paws, i fell on my side, my eyes blurred with tears. All of a sudden I felt teeth yank my scruff, they weren't gentle they wanted to hurt me. I was pulled and sat down on my paws. Firea snapped at his heels, pressuring him across the border. He ran across in rainpack and hid behind me.

He smiled weakly at me, i knew him, it was ash, drizzle’s real mate. Blaze remained by firea’s side and alpha raina raised her brow, gesturing to blaze she mewed, “and her?”

Firea only offered a side glance at to blaze before smiling and saying, “my reputation, it’s always been good. I can’t have soiled by me beta breaking pack code.”-she laughed to herself-”she’ll only be demoted, for an “unrelated” reason.”

Alpha raina snorted, she then looked to me, ash still cowering behind. “I imagen you know what this is about. You didn’t honestly think i was that stupid did you?” she laughed, a hellish sound that echoed in the cool night air. “U-uh, no alpha raina.” i whispered, ash was shaking, no, i was. Alpha raina wrinkled her nose in disgust, “no longer.” she said, i blinked confused. She clicked her tongue and snapped, “no more am i your alpha!”


“You’re BANISHED!”Raina howled so loud I thought all four packs must have heard it. “Take ash, drizzle, adn your filthy half-pack shits, and get out! I never want to see you again! DIE!”

I couldn’t talk, i couldn’t respond to her. Ash yelped in fear as raina stomped her paw in front of us. We left, running, ash behind me, i lead the way. We skidded to a stop in front of the pack camp entrance. My chest heaved, i couldn’t face everyone now. Ash nuzzled me, the smaller wolf smiled. His sad eyes and shaking limbs showed fear but he was trying not to. I nodded, took a deep breath and entered.

Dawn was breaking and the others had began to stur. Sky and star playing with each other, waterscale watched them with longingness. She had always been shy but she was sweet, i knew that if she only asked my pup would let her play.

“Stay by me.” i whispered to ash, he nodded to me in understanding. I went in, cutting through the middle, i headed straight for the birthing den. The wolves who were out whispered to each other, curious and confused. Why was a firepack wolf here?

I turned to waterscale who sat looking up at me. She laughed, such an innocent and pure noise. “Hello, pour!” she then frowned and looked at star and sky, “i hope when i’m older i can have pups.” she smiled warmly once again. She looked back at me, “I want to be a great parent, just like you!” My heart broke, i wasn’t a good parent, i should never had had these pups, i shouldn’t have brought them into this world. Ash nuzzled me again, i had to keep going, i had to leave before raina got back.

Too late, the large she-wolf emerged from the tangle thorns of the entrance. Raina took one look at me and ash and instantly burst into a frenzy of snapping and growling, “the hell are you still doing here? Get out of my camp!”

Damn, she wasn’t even chill about it, the wolves looked at me, i felt my face becoming very hot. Drizzle came out of the den and saw that i had returned, she smiled widely and frowned when she felt all the eyes turn to her. She saw ash and stuttered, ash whimpered and could only offer her a weak smile.

“Get out!” raian howled, drizzle stepped back, her ears flat. I shot a harsh glance at my x-pack leader, she glared straight back. The wolves whispered to each other, their eyes glued to us. Finally raina’s beta spoke up and asked, “alpha rain...wh-what’s going on?”

Raina smiled at her beta, she looked to the other wolves, looking to her now. “Everyone wants to know?” she asked, the wolves murmured to each other. Sky and star lept back form the center of camp to meet me and drizzle at the entrance of the birthing den.

Waterscale’s eyebrows furrowed, she looked up at me, almost scared. Raina laughed loudly and exclaimed, “you see, these wolves are now outlaws, they’ve broke pack code.” she laughed in such a high pitch, she thought it was funny, a joke. The wolves exclaimed loudly gasping and talking to each other. Waterscale was still, she looked to her paws. She didn’t look to me or drizzle, to see if it was really true.

She knew.

“Take your half-pack shitbags and get out.” raina growled, she moved away from the camp entrance, making a path for up to leave. I felt numb as i picked sky up in my mouth, she didn’t protest. Drizzle took star and started off, ash by her side. I began to follow when i felt something tug at my tail. It was waterscale.

“Is it true?” she whispered, practically mute. I wanted to tell her but i was unable to say anything, she knew what that meant. She looked away from me, her bangs covered her eyes, she whispered, “I still think you were a great father and i will strive to be the same.”

With that i was forced out by a snarling raina. Before drizzle left she shot a glance back at camp.

“YOU’LL REGRET THIS! ALL OF YOU!”-she studied the faces of her x-pack until her gaze fell on Raina, she narrowed her eyes, baring her fangs-“I WILL NOT REST UNTIL I HAVE HAD MY VENGEANCE ON EVERY LAST WOLF! YOU WILL REGRET THIS AND THAT IS A PROMISE!”