
3 years, 10 months ago

Bells- but what kind of bells?

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Author's Notes

Needed some inspirations and writer's block sucks; got the word bells and set off with that. Maybe I'll write their interactions with the cows, maybe not. This was just for fun so descriptions are minimal

Food is, of course, a very natural substance that is required for one’s survival. In most hunts Colt sticks with Lin; they were both simple, straightforward individuals and rarely scuffled. Neve and Aiden would usually dive in midway with an explosion of sound, swears, and more often than not, some kind of destruction – but that’s life and honestly, it saved them time so he couldn’t really complain.

Yet, for some reason, Colt had gotten stuck with Castor this time round. He didn’t understand why. He didn’t want to know why. If he could, he’d pretend this wasn’t happening – but that wasn’t going to happen. Ignoring people was one thing. A wolf sized parrot? Not happening any time soon.

“Like come on – look at me – how can you ditch someone with the charisma of yours truly?” The ‘parrot’ queried in a pout – dampening to a frown as his eyes narrowed on the darker coated male, “Are you even listening?”

As the greener male scoffed, Colt simply raised an eyebrow and offered a side stare, “What?”

A huff followed by a rough shoulder shove sent the stare into an eye-roll. Castor sped up the pace along the dirt road hidden between the treeline thickets, “Well, it’s a lucky day for you,” He sauntered as his footsteps lightened – pulling his usual half walk, half skip style, “I mean, it’s not every day you get to admire such a perfect creature~” He practically purred, halting in his tracks to wiggle his glowing tail in the scowling male’s face. “I have to put up with this punishment every day, thank you very much.” Colt corrected, swatting the fuzzy fly swatter out the way, “Can we just get this finished?” He asked, coming up beside Castor and raising a single eyebrow.

A low hum (more like an ‘ehh’) filled the summer air as Castor flipped his head to the side, one ear drooping over the other, “I suppose...” He began, drawing out the ‘suppose’ for a dramatic flair, ”Well, only because I love you THAT much.” The younger male chirped, quickly booping his nose against Colt’s and earning an immediate ‘aRgH’ which left him in giggles.

“Personal space.” Colt deadpanned at the snickering male, giving him a whack over the head with his paw, “Eugh...Your nose is so wet...” Lowly grumbled the greyscale male who quickly resumed the walk down the path. Castor could only laugh as he shook his head before following suit.

“You love my nose~”

“Whatever helps you sleep.” Colt resorted, rolling his eyes as the green ball beside him cackled again, “What now?”

“Dude, I’m so quoting that.” Castor grinned from ear to ear as a black tail bopped him on the snout, “Oh come on, is it so bad to admit you dream about my beautiful glowing nose?” The trickster wiggled his eyebrows in retaliation to the faint ‘dumbass’ Colt grumbled under his breath. Castor knew he secretly loved the attention. And his nose. Hell, everyone loved his nose, Castor concluded with a snuffling twitch of the moist nostrils in question.

A light tingling of bells interrupted Castor’s self-appreciation – emerald eyes shifted to the darker male who’d already halted by the edge of the trodden path. He only offered a mild head tilt as he brushed up beside his companion, “Should we?” He curiously asked; not that Castor often listened to rules or – well – anyone, but he did like to know when he was ignoring someone. That confirmation always brightened his day. A soft grunt did not count as a response, earning a frown from the troublemaker as Colt stalked into the woods after the sound, “A yes would’ve sufficed!” He called, bounding after his packmate.

Thick grass became sparser as the duo made their way towards what sounded like bells. Trodden up dirt clamped between their toes, loosening the scents trapped under the layer of earth, “Cattle.” Colt answered for the pair of them. Their pack rarely crossed with farmers. It was a silent agreement that they generally minded their own business. Sort of. If the farmers didn’t pass their territory, they usually didn’t eat the livestock. Which is a lot better than always so you could practically call it a win-win, “Why are they down here?” Colt muttered with underlying suspicions.

“Only one way to find out,” Castor matter-of-factly shrugged, shifting his gaze between Colt and the prints ahead. A murmur of distaste begrudgingly agreed, the blackened male brushing his grey-furred snout against the dirt. Whiskers twitching, the older wolf raised his head once more and resumed stalking the trail. The green spotted male just hummed happily as he plodded along beside.

“Can I eat them?” “No.” “Can you eat them?” “What – no.” “Can I blow them up?” “..What-“ “Can I kick them?” “Wait- go back to the exploding-“ “Y’know, I think I should be allowed to eat them – in fact, I think-“ “Castor-“ “They taste pretty good and what’s the harm in losing a-“ “Stop- “Just one cow amongst the great cattle herd is basically free- “I swear to GOD if you don’t stop talking, I will eat you!”

“Bro- You’ll eat me?” A very amused grin perked at the expense of the grimacing male, “My-my Colt, I knew you had a thing for my nose but – Didn’t think you wanted the whole package~”

“No – god no - you know that’s not what I meant-“ The irritable canine tried to back peddle but it was far too late- “D u d e, you LOVE ME!” Castor exclaimed as Colt groaned. “Like hell I do-“ “Don’t be shy, I’ll let you-“ “ 'Let' my ass! Stop talking!”

Author's Notes

The love is all platonic. Castor just loves pissing Colt off.