AU Navigation & Info

5 years, 10 months ago
5 years, 10 months ago
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Entry 2
Published 5 years, 10 months ago

Information about CirrogrondLions's Steven Universe AU.

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Caste System


The matriarchs of the Gem Empire make up the Great Diamond Authority. As the Diamond Authority, they control and command the Gem society with the expressed purpose of expanding the Gem Empire.


Rare and aristocratic gems with the ability to see into the future. Star Sapphires, due to their asterism caused by rutile inclusions, have stronger abilities than normal Sapphires which makes them more valuable to the Gem Elite.


High-ranking gems put in charge of lower-ranking gems. Their roles can vary widely from being a general to an aristocratic gem in a Diamond's court. Era 2 Beryls tend to have a small stature and less abilities than an Era 1 Beryl, and are given technology to compensate for their lacking qualities.

Lapis Lazulis

Gems made to terraform planets to prepare them for colonization. Lapis Lazulis with calcite inclusions are more common and lower-ranking, than their superior pyrite-included and pure blue counterparts.


Common gems used as bodyguards or personal escorts for higher-ranking gems.


The servant caste, who exhibit the status symbol of those who own them. They are expected to be submissive, subservient, and obedient, performing lowly tasks such as holding their owners' belongings or opening doors. Pearls are normally reserved for the upper class but can also be earned by committing a significant act of heroism.

Author's Notes

Update 8-14-18: Added Morganite