Tempest’s Backstory

3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 10 months ago
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Mild Violence
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Chapter 1

Tempest was born to Rune and Feather. Tempest has two siblings Blade and Raven. Feather is a soulpaw which is a wolf with a special ability. (❌Writers note:❌ Soulpaws areMaibrian_OC’s closed species you are not allowed to make them! Ire Wolves are obviously my closed species and you are not allowed to make them! Rune and Feahter both belong to@Maibrian_oc! Blade and Raven also belong to Maibrian!) Rune is a Fullbred Ire Wolf whose parents are Blood and Gaia which means Bloods Tempests grandfather and Rune owes Blood. 

*Once the pups were old enough to start learning how to hunt Rune made them all amulets. He also began to to train his pups to use their powers. Tempest had the lightning element, but he did have some difficulties controlling it if Rune pushed him to use it. When the time came Rune and Feather watched their children, and saw how Tempest was always the one left out.* Considering Tempest was always left out Rune often took him to hunt alone. Tune told him about where he grew up and Tempest was amazed with it. He wanted to visit there one day, which made Dune happy to know that he wouldn’t be mad once he had to be taken there.

* "He's going to be strong when he's older" Rune told his mate. Feather nodded, she knew he'd be the best pup to go back to the Ire World. That had been the condition when the pair became mates, one of their pups was always going to be taken to back to Blood. Rune had always wanted to do that to make up for him leaving and not learning how to rule his dad's pack. "I think it's time" Feather told him
"To take him? Don't you think hes-"
"No its time to take him to your father, if he stays any longer he will get too attached and Blood needs to mold him how he wants him, we can't do that" Rune agreed and in a couple of days took Tempest back to the Ire Universe. Feather doesn't say goodbye to her pup she thought it would be best not to make it emotional as Tempest didn't know he wasn't going to come home.* Rune took Tempest out to a large field and told him he was going to the Xenaire Planet and that Blood was going to take care of him, Rune explained that he left his father and why he did it. Tempest Underwood where he was going to go to and why he was. Tune started the portal and allowed Tempest to go through first

(Writers note the Asterisks are to represent whereMaibrian_OC wrote about Tempests childhood to give her credit for the writing)