Teddyroo Lore

3 years, 9 months ago
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 Teddyroos are living stuffed animals made from a magical sewing  pattern, created to be companions or helpers. They are completely mute  (even if given a mouth), do not need food or water, and can be as tall  as 4 ft or as small as 1 ft, although the average height is about 2 ft  tall. They can be made out of any fabric and can be decorated any way  imaginable!

 A Teddyroo, is made from a magical pattern (which can often be bought off of your local magic potions seller), either by the person who needs one, or as a gift from someone else, to be a helper or companion. They are seemingly "dead" (in a state of suspended  animation in which they seem like a normal stuffed animal) until shown  love by their new owner, upon which they will come to life, and will  form a strong bond with that person over time. This bond is so strong  that when their owner dies, the Teddyroo will also "die" until a new  person finds it and gives it love!

A Teddyroo thrives on love, and abusing a Teddyroo by repeatedly treating it poorly, whether physically or emotionally, can cause it to "die" until shown love again by someone new.

Teddyroos can feel pain if they are ripped or lose a limb, but they can be sewed back up, and the pain will go away. That said, some Teddyroos will let their owners rip a hole in them to hide things (such  as a will, a map, a weapon, or other things a person might want hidden) as they  only wish to please their owners, even if it causes them pain. They also will let their owners sew pockets on them so that they can carry things.

Teddyroos can get sick if they get a lot of dirt and filth on  them, causing them to become sluggish or even nonresponsive. To keep them healthy and clean, it is best to occasionally scrub them down gently with a damp cloth. It's important to never soak them in  water, as this could lead to mold or mildew forming, which can make a  Teddyroo very, very sick and is difficult to get rid of. If your  Teddyroo does get soaked in water, it is best to leave them in the sun  for a couple of days so that they completely dry out.

The only way to truly kill a Teddyroo is to burn them with fire.

Because Teddyroos are so durable, there are some that are very, very old.

Teddyroos can't speak, and don't need to eat or drink, because they are basically living stuffed animals, and usually they don't have  mouths. Even if you give one a mouth, it would be just for aesthetic  purposes, as they still wouldn't be able to talk or eat.

Teddyroos DO need something used as an eye or otherwise they will  be blind, however they don't need ears to hear, a fact that has puzzled  many people over the years.

Teddyroos don't have genders, so their owners can choose to decide one for them if they so please.

Teddyroos can be taught skills, such as how to steer a boat, how to handle a hammer, how to take care of a baby, etc. A teddyroos can be excellent workers if trained properly, and they love to work along side their owners!

 While they can be cute and can seem completely innocent, not all Teddyroos are good guys. Depending on their owner, they might learn how to lockpick, forge a signature, or even how to poison someone.  As long  as their owner loves them and takes good care of them, a Teddyroo will help them with anything, no matter how horrible the deed. They have been companions to many a thief, pirate,and assassin.