Koltheim Wherret
3 years, 10 months ago

Mild Sexual Content

July 15 2020

Made with the help of an AI program

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My name is Spark. I live with my wife on an island. 

> Neyan says "Hi, Spark, what are you doing?"

> Spark kisses her finacee on the cheek.

The wind blows through Neyan's hair and makes her feel free. She turns to her left and sees Spark, her beautiful significant other. 

spark shakes her fat but. "welcome to the strip club."

you reach the club. It's actually not a bad looking building, though it looks a little rusted. a parking lot with two dozen cars and a dozen motorcycles is in front of the building.

Neyan slaps Spark's big, fat, thick booty. "so, you want to go inside?"

Spark nods.

You open the club's door, and...

you see some strange looking people dance on a stage. they're hot humans


Neyan jumps on stage and swings her big badonkadonkas at the people. 

Spark is content with watching her happy.

The weirdos in this town are not prepared for this.

Golfarx is drinking at the bar. She sees Neyan and dies on the fucking spot.

Someone calls 911.

While you dance on the stage, a SWAT team bursts into the building and tries to kill you. They are horrible shots, but luckily you are too.

You manage to crawl under a table.


Spark screams and runs for the back exit.

Neyan follows Spark out the back. Neyan crawl around on the ground, still being shot at by the SWAT team.

One of the swat members takes off their helmet. It's Saga, Spark's sister. "I'm sorry, Spark, but you two must die." A tear runs down her cheek. She shoots at Spark and Neyan, who run away in time.

Neyan gets out of the building. 

Spark and her big booty are stuck in the building. it is on fire now

Neyan grabs Spark's hands and pulls her out from the building. Her big fatty booty cheeks clap together. "Let's get out of here!" Neyan yells, grabbing Spark's hand and running with her into the forest. The SWAT team members seem to be busy rounding up the other strippers. 

The gunfire has stopped, and you can hear sirens coming closer to the area.

You and Spark are in the forest, sprinting away from the danger.

> Spark says "and they did all that because some old woman had a heart attack."

Spark stops. "This is a perfect place to camp." She looks around. "Nobody will find us."

Neyan stopped running. "I'm scared."

Spark put her arm around Neyan.

"I guess my bajonkas were too luscious for her to handle," Neyan shrugged. Her big bajonkadonkadonkahubbawubbas jiggled as she said that.

"Don't worry, my beautiful, we'll find a place to hide."

You decide to camp out in the forest tonight.

the two big boobie girlfriends made out the whole night so loudly that SWAT found them. 

they got out of the situation because of their big boobies. they now have been arrested by the FBI. 

their names are Neyan and Spark. they are girlfriends


The FBI tries to interrogate them, but keep getting distracted by their huge honky jonkabonkadonkadookahubbahoohaas. 

They're actually prisoners in a jail cell now, for reasons that aren't fully understood by the FBI.

> Neyan says "I guess we in prison now bruh"

The duo sits in a holding cell. They talk about what to do.

"This is really stupid." Says spark. 

Neyan and Spark seduce the FBI agents. 

"This is too much" says one of the FBI agents, so they free Neyan and Spark.

They bust tf out of that stupid prison and escape! They run back into the woods where they would do their earlier plan of camping. 

As they are setting up their camp, the two FBI agents who were in the previous scene find them. 


> Spark and neyan run from the fbi.

You and spark run into the woods as the fbi agents give chase. 

"Get them!" They yell.

You stop running and hide behind a tree. 

"Come on, man!" say the FBI

> Spark says "I think we have finally outran the FBI. Lets go home now. "

You look back and see the two fbi agents catching up to spark and neyan.


You and spark run away and the two of you spend a happy few days in the wilderness. The FBI guys got eaten by a bear. 

End of part one