Hunting with Portal and dinosaurs

author/original poster: the-Waypoint (DeviantArt). copied over to keep all the AP in one place/in case the original post is deleted

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 Portal cackled quietly under his breath. His fuzzy little ears twitched as he held the small glowing ball of blue light between his hands. The color glimmered in the dark area of the dense forest. Jumper made a soft sound next to the little bone hound.

    “Shhhh.” He hushed Jumper.

    Melody and Jacob slowly crept towards the odd little black dog. They shielded themselves behind the bushes just off to the left. They’d been following this creature for weeks and still had no idea what it was, only that it spent most of its time with a plagued looking Corva. They had left their own two Corva behind, not wanting to make much noise as they ventured closer. This was the closest they had been to the thing.

    There was a sudden crack as Jacob’s bird Denali crept closer. He’d stepped on a branch. This instantly alerted the Corva with odd colored tips. His head reared backwards and he peered into the darkness, quickly spotting the glint of metal from Melody’s belt. Jumper let out a screech and hissed. This startled Portal and he jumped up before letting go of the glowing energy ball. Suddenly, a portal tore open into a different realm.

    “AHHH!” Portal screamed as he jumped into the gateway.

    The odd Corva followed him into the glowing blue hellhole. It suddenly began to shrink after enveloping the pair. Energy rippled and crackled as sparks crackled through the air around it.

    “Quickly! Or we will never find it again!” Melody screamed as both her and her Corva Redrum dover towards the portal.

    Jacob only sighed as he walked over towards it. Melody was first to leap through it, Redrum second. Jacob was a little hesitant, but eventually gave in and dover downward through the blue hole. Denali could only follow, not wanting to leave his rider behind. Behind them the gateway to their world closed. They were sent spinning into a blue vortex that spat them out at a very similar looking location. However, something was off.

    “Damn…” Portal growled. “Well, since now you’re here, we had better get to work.” He muttered before grabbing onto the side of Jumper. “This is Jumper. You two are annoying, always following me. Making it hard for me to hunt.” He screeched.

    “Uh-What?” Melody stammered as she sat up from the tangled mess of birds on the ground. “Where the hell are we?” She snarled.

    “Just look around, ya lug. We’re obviously in the past. My name isn’t portal for nothing’.” He said with a grin while mounting Jumper. “Looks like we’re hunting dinosaurs today Jumpah!” He cried out as the Corva flapped his might wings to lift them both into the sky.

    “Hey wait! You get back here! I’m not done with you yet.” Melody called out.

    Quickly, she jumped onto Redrum and shouted. The Corva took off with a thunderous screech after the little black dog and his ugly Corva. Jacob could only snicker at the banter between the two of them. However, he realized he was getting left behind and this was no place to be abandoned. Everything was larger here and certainly more dangerous. Thus, his trail wasn’t that far off. The two riders eventually caught up to portal. He was crouched down low behind a very large bush that was layered and studded in a thick mossy like substance. He peered at the prey over the things.

    “There you are!” Melody screamed as Redrum landed behind them. He let out a loud caw.

    The sound prompted Portal to turn around and grab the Corva’s beak to silence him. “SHHHHH!” He screeched.

    Landing behind them both was Jacob and Denali. They jumped onto Melody and Redrum. His hand covered her mouth and his other pointed over the bush at the intended target. Melody’s eyes went wide as she saw them.

    “Eeeeyyup.” Portal snickered. “Raptors.”

    “Raptors?” Melody and Jacob gasped out. “We’re hunting raptors?”

    “Well yes. Did you think we were hunting something else?” Portal responded. “Let’s go get them!” He screamed while grabbing his hunting spear and running out after them with a howl. Jumper smiled and gave a goofy look before trailing after the screaming dog on foot with wings flared.

    “No, no, no! Wait!” Melody cried out.

    It was too late. Portal had pounced on one of the large raptors and was biting at it viciously with his bone fangs. Meanwhile, his Corva had picked up one of the smaller ones by its tail and was dangling it as it snarled and clawed at the bird.

    Jacob brought his hand to his face in a ‘crap’ moment and just sighed. “This is not the way to go about this.” He stated firmly before turning to Melody.

    “Yeah, no kidding.” She said. “We had better go do something.”

    With that, she drew her club out and waved over Redrum. She pointed to the one that Portal was currently chomping on. The much larger bird picked up the dog by his neck and pulled him off the raptor. Denali used that moment to tackle the raptor and pin it to the floor. Jacob then leapt out of the bushed and slammed an axe into the side of the creature’s skull for a quick death. The thing writhed on the ground before flopping dead. He then turned to the second raptor which has managed to grab ahold of Jumped. Just as he was about to leap on it Melody took the opportunity to smash her metal club into the side of the raptor. It was sent flying from the Corva’s mouth with tail detached. It twitched for a few moments, but the result was the same.

    Portal cackled at all this, amused and perhaps a little nuts. “That’s great, but what are you guys going to do about the momma?”

    “Momma?” Melody questioned.

    “Yes, you know… The one directly behind you.” He snickered.

    Melody and Jacob turned around as their Stryx both turned their heads to stare a much larger raptor straight in line of vision. She hissed loudly and let out an angry screech before pouncing onto the warrior girl. Claws found flesh and dug straight into them, blood splattering all over the ground as Melody screamed. Jacob grabbed ahold of the raptor’s leg to try and lift it, the struggle visible over his face. Both Corva jumped onto the raptor and managed to bring it to the ground. It snarled and thrashed around before landing a bite to Redrum who jumped back and let the thing go.

    All the while, Portal was rolling around in the dirt behind them laughing hysterically. He paused and glanced up as the raptor stared the four of them down. “Okay, that’s enough of that. I’m hungry. Jumpah, get ‘em.” He commanded

    With that simple instruction, the plague looking Corva snapped to attention. The odd look about him disappeared and his feathers flared as he jumped onto the raptor. This time, though, there was no struggle between the two of them. The large Stryx grabbed ahold of the mother raptor’s neck and gave a firm twist. The neck snapped and the Corva tore its head straight off while his claws pinned the rest of the body under it.

    “Mmm, good boy!” He cheered from the background. “Now we can eat!”

    The other two just stared at the display with jaws agape. However, their Stryx wasted no time in claiming their own meals, squabbling among one another as they fought for the remaining prey behind the scene. Redrum settled with the smaller of the hatchlings as Denali grabbed the larger one and defended it with a ferocious hiss.

6(1200 WC)+ 2(rider) +2(hunting) +1(monthly event)

Total = 11 for Redrum, and Denali.

6(1200 WC)+ 2(rider) +2(hunting) +1(monthly event) +2(extra stryx) +1(own art)

Total = 14 for jumper