DS I Into the Storm I 2276 // 3458

author/original poster: WhimsicalCrystal (DeviantArt). copied over to keep all the AP in one place/in case the original post is deleted

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Jacob sat staring out to the sea, watching as endless waves crashed into the cliffs below him. The air was laced with salt, but not extremely overpowering to the point of nose wrinkling. Thunder rumbled in the distance, a firm reminder of the monsoon that was predicted to hit the coast. He sighed, knowing that sometime today, the goliath Grpyh, nicknamed Bones because of his sunbleached bones look, would appear along this Cliffside looking for a snack. I need to drive him away from the coast, keep the people safe, he thought, as another peal of thunder caressed the cliffs.

Glancing around, Jacob spotted his own bird, the sunspot soil corva Denali, sunning himself on a cluster of flat rocks. Grass grew in clumps around the rocks, swaying wildly in the stormy costal wind. His feathers flew every which way, but he didn’t mind. Living on an airship did that to you. Denali shifted, then lifted his head up to stare at his rider. He kind of did a little caw-purr, his equivalent to contentment as far as Jacob could tell. Better than the alternative. At least he isn’t trying to bite anyone’s face off.

Over the constant thunder and the new addition of the bright flashes of lightning, another sound made its way to the pairs’ ears. A deep whooshing noise, not unlike the wingbeats of a large harpia, echoed off the cliff face, increasing in volume. Jacob hurriedly turned around to find himself facing a massive harpia, marked by feathery flames, erupting from below the cliff.

It flew over him, giving him a glance at the flesh-rendering talons that the bird possessed. It landed not far from Denali, but close enough that it evoked a hissing noise from the corva. It seems that Inferno will be accompanying me today in my hunt, Jacob thought, eyeing up the bird. A little backup never hurt anyone.

The Lord of Fire was eyeing up the smaller bird, but not in an aggressive manner. Almost in an amused sense, if a volcano had a sense of humor. Denali still hissed when the harpia moved, though was content that he did not show any more interest in him.

For a few tense moments, Jacob wondered whether inviting the large bird to stay was a good idea. I mean, he’s huge and a firebreather. Perfect backup. But on the other hand, he’s just as likely to set the coast on fire in an attempt to land a hit on Bones. After a while, Jacob shrugged, going back to his vigil. He had a Gryph to kill today.

A roar pierced his thoughts, sending them scuttling to the back of his mind. Showtime. He turned around to run to Denali, but he was already gliding toward him, Inferno already soaring into the air above them. Jacob snagged his hands on his birds’ saddle, swing himself up as Denali passed the edge of the cliff. Almost like the Diaus ceremony, he thought, just before the rain pushed him to hunker low on Denali’s back. The powerful wingbeats of Inferno carried him farther ahead of the corva and his rider, rushing into the storm after a fleeting white mass. The corva followed, struggling with the strong headwinds of the storm they had entered. Minutes later, a blast of fire lit the storm sky up, a sure indicator that Inferno had locked claws with the mighty gryph.

Minutes passed as Denali and Jacob rushed to the scene, watching the battle grow closer with every second. Eventually, the pair came within striking distance of the battle, avoiding superheated flames as they sputtered in the bone drenching rain. Jacob glanced over at the battling behemoths, noting that the white gryph was on the losing side. He was covered in scratches and scars from other battles, some bleeding from the blows that Inferno had dealt. The bird even had a couple of singed feathers, though they were few and far between as the rain has thoroughly quenched the Fire Lord’s flames.

“Time to make our mark now, isn’t it boy?” Jacob screamed over the roaring beasts and the clashing of the storm above. Denali, screeched his reply, adding his voice into the catanophy of noise that surrounded them.

As the giants battled, the corva darted in-between attacks, adding in his own devastating marks upon the white gryph. Suddenly, as Inferno when in for an attack, the gryph managed to lock his claws with the harpia, swinging him in the sky with his momentum. He released, sending the Lord of Fire spiraling into the ocean with a splash and a hiss as his flames sputtered with the touch of seawater.

As the harpia floundered in the sea like a drowned parrot, making surprisingly parrot like noises as well, the gryph turned his attention to the pair that had made an annoyance of themselves. Bones shrieked, an ear splitting noice accompanied by a crash of thunder just above them. Lightning struck the waves close by, sending Jacob’s hair on edge with the electricity flowing through the air.

Denali dodged just in time, narrowly missing a bite from the massive white bird’s beak. That’s a little too close for comfort, Jacob thought as he ducked to avoid another attack, this time from the gryph’s claws. Time to make him work for a bit. He directed Denali to fly up, through the storm, hoping the gryph would follow. Of course, he did. He’s still hungry.

They dodged attack after attack from the gryph, though some were close enough to draw blood from both bird and rider. Avoiding another lightning bolt, they finally broke through the cloud cover, sunlight erupting around them. The light was a stark contrast to the dark storm below, blinding Jacob for a second. Luckily, his bird was smart and moved a second before the gryph barreled after them.

They dived again, falling faster than they climbed, leaving the glorious daylight behind them to join the dark of the storm below. A screech was all the warning they had as a tower of flame greeted them from below. Inferno had returned. Denali dodged, but not before suffering a couple of burnt feathers. They dropped out beneath the other two birds, barely avoiding Inferno’s talons as he clashed with the gryph once again.

Denali seemed to had had enough as a single, indecent, caw warned Jacob before the corva toke off to the coast, leaving the battling birds behind. I guess we are done for the day, Jacob thought, glancing behind at the fading battle, gouts of flame tinting the darkness red. Lighting flashed from time to time, illuminating the pair of fighting birds. Thunder rumbled, but not as intense, signaling the end of the monsoon.


Another time, murderer. When that time comes, you won’t be so lucky.

Word Count (1135) - +5
Rider - +2
Added Stryx/Starter Stryx - +2
Personal Art Bonus - +1

Total: 10