elli bio

3 years, 8 months ago


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This character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete. There also may be spoilers.



  • Nickname Elli
  • Species Human
  • Gender Cis Man
  • Pronouns He/Him, They/Them
  • God Tier ??? of Heart
  • Theme Song Title
  • Voice ---
  • Value Priceless/NFS
  • Layout watergems



Elli is incredibly sympathetic and kind. He will never hestitate to listen to his friends whenever they need it. Though at times, he finds that he focuses too much on his friends, and not himself. He's a people pleaser. He relies often on his friends for new interests and passions, asking them about what they like, in stead of finding and figuring things out on his own.

He's also just kinda, inherently lonely. Elli has never been the best at making friends. Yes, he can talk to people, but he struggles at actively talking to and interacting with others.


Elli was raised solely by his mom when his parents divorced when he was young. Elli barely remembers his father, so he is honestly kind of a momma's boy. He currently lives with her in Central City, Colorado. With access to auditoriums and opera houses at such a young age, he is a huge fan of music. He's also pretty proficient with string instruments, such as a guitar and a chello.

He got his start on the internet by using music forums and simple flash games.


  • Is proficient at any instrument you throw at him.
  • Elli is really good at having heart-to-heart talks with people.
  • List item 3
Unique Abilities
  • He is great at knowing when specific people are near him, like he can "sense" them.
  • Very empathetic, and an amazing listener, he always knows what to say.
  • List item 3
SBURB Abilities
  • Strength of Spirit - Drawing strength from himself, his aspect pattern slowly grows more powerful.
  • Sweep away the Mess - Elli is able to help clear one's emotional state and help keep them stable.
  • SOUL RHYTHM - Unlocks inner power, providing a large power boost this round with a smaller ongoing one.
  • CARDIAC CADENZA - Each enemy hit by Elli's attack will suffer bonus damage based on their own powers.


Mylo and Elli have an incredibly complicated relationship partially due to Mylo attempting to pursue a relationship with Elli, but also with how much Mylo unintentionally manipulates Elli.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec interdum arcu. Praesent gravida congue nulla consectetur pellentesque. Maecenas laoreet ac orci non laoreet. In at nisl a nisl mollis aliquet eu eget turpis. Fusce nec mauris eget elit gravida tempor. Morbi ut lacinia sapien. Cras ac massa sed dolor faucibus mattis. Curabitur at convallis enim, vel ultricies felis. Donec eget augue vulputate, dictum turpis quis, efficitur metus. Sed feugiat consectetur magna, vel malesuada orci vehicula eget. Proin facilisis auctor feugiat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean pretium dictum dolor eu tempor. Suspendisse arcu ligula, sodales sed ex sed, feugiat imperdiet mi. Fusce vitae quam dignissim purus consequat semper id et erat. Integer ac porta felis.


Elli genuinely loves Rain. They often spend their time together in voice calls, chatting, and sometimes playing music together (they've gotten pretty good at dealing with the lag). Rain also got him into coding as well!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec interdum arcu. Praesent gravida congue nulla consectetur pellentesque. Maecenas laoreet ac orci non laoreet. In at nisl a nisl mollis aliquet eu eget turpis. Fusce nec mauris eget elit gravida tempor. Morbi ut lacinia sapien. Cras ac massa sed dolor faucibus mattis. Curabitur at convallis enim, vel ultricies felis. Donec eget augue vulputate, dictum turpis quis, efficitur metus. Sed feugiat consectetur magna, vel malesuada orci vehicula eget. Proin facilisis auctor feugiat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean pretium dictum dolor eu tempor. Suspendisse arcu ligula, sodales sed ex sed, feugiat imperdiet mi. Fusce vitae quam dignissim purus consequat semper id et erat. Integer ac porta felis.


  • Elli is pansexual.
  • His chumhandle is acousticAppraisal!
  • His birthday is September 3rd, 2000
  • Their strife specibus is AXEKIND.
  • Elli's planet is the Land of Wisps and Coins.
  • He has a complicated relationship with gender, like Leon.
  • Elli speaks in a manner that "in a way that is pretty casual, but You still like to be polite to people, such as your Brother."