A Shrine Maiden's Tale

3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 10 months ago

Hanako is walking out of her shrine. It's a beautiful night.The wind blows gently on her face as it blows through the trees. She can hear the sounds of nature around her, the rustling of leaves. A light rain begins to fall, making splashing noises against her white kimono. The sound of the rain makes her smile. She walks along with the sounds as she looks at all the sights that surround her.

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Aratana Hajimari

Hanako is walking out of her shrine. It's a beautiful night. The wind blows gently on her face as it blows through the trees. She can hear the sounds of nature around her, the rustling of leaves. A light rain begins to fall, making splashing noises against her white kimono. The sound of the rain makes her smile. She walks along with the sounds as she looks at all the sights that surround her.

Suddenly, a voice calls out to her from behind.

She turns around to see a woman with light brown hair wearing a blue and purple kimono. Hanako can see that she is carrying some bags on her back. She looks like a travelling merchant.

"Hello," she says. "I'm here to see your shrine."

"We have nothing for sale," Hanako replies. "Our place is not to seek profit, but rather prayer and worship. You are welcome to pray here, though."

"Thank you," the woman says as she bows her head a little.

Hanako notices that the woman is looking around a lot, looking at the trees and the grass. She seems very interested in the surroundings.

"Is there something special about this place?" she asks.

"I've always been told that this is a very holy place. People come from far and wide to pray here."

"Do you go to the city often?"

"I don't travel much, no."

"I see. Well, you seem to have a nice place here. It's a shame that it rained, though."

"It's summer. We're lucky to get any rain at all."

"That's true."

Hanako continues to talk to her for a little longer, learning that her name is Hana. She seems like a nice enough girl. After a bit more small talk, Hanako asks if she would like to stay for the night in her shrine.

"That's very kind of you," Hana replies. "But I really should be getting back. It was nice meeting you, though!"

"It's not a problem. I'd love to see you again."

"I'll be sure to visit sometime."

Hanako walks her back to the road. As Hana leaves, she gives Hanako a small wave. Hanako watches her walk down the road and then turns to go back inside. She walks through the door of the shrine and enters her home.

As she enters, a small cat jumps on her head. Hanako smiles as she picks up the feline, scratching its head. She places it in her lap and strokes its fur. It purrs in ecstasy.

Hanako has lived here in peace for some time now. The people of this town respect her and her privacy. It's a nice life. The cat she holds in her lap has been a gift from a stray she took in. She's grown attached to her, and she has become like a child to her.

She looks at her two katanas that hang above the fireplace. They are beautiful weapons, forged with divine craftsmanship. They could end all life in an instant, but they also can give life.

Hanako has considered travelling again. Perhaps seeing the world with new eyes will give her a new outlook on things. It's been years since she's travelled, and she feels like she should do it now. However, she also feels that she should stay here where she is safe. It's a nice place to settle down.

She scratches the cat behind the ears as she ponders her life choices.

It doesn't take long before Hanako falls asleep, completely exhausted from all her hard work.

In the middle of the night, a scream penetrates her sleep. It is a blood curdling scream of pain and anguish. Hanako bolts up in bed, instantly awake.
