[RM]Mud problems[Siera X Meltem RP]

3 years, 9 months ago

Mild Violence
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It had been over a month since the cubs had been born, and Meltem was already back at it like she had before. In the previous weeks where she had holed herself up in the den to take care of the cubs she had been pristine, a beautifully groomed lioness whose body had started to go minorly soft, but her mind had been buzzing with boredom and the need for activity. Much contrasting, today she was anything but pristine. She resembled more of who she was before the cubs had been on their way: a lioness covered in mud and dirt from head to toe after a long day up in the mountains working on whatever it was that the healers, the Mkemia, worked on. None of the other Mkemia, Koda and Seraphina, were ever so dirty so it was likely that whatever Meltem was doing was a passion project of her own. The female was strolling down the mountain path- no, running- and slid down to the base with a large grin plastered over her dusted face. She could probably be as much of a terror to the pride as her cubs were, if she did not rein it in. But as the sun lowered in the sky the lioness knew better than to run back up the path and slide down again, and instead made her way to the hotsprings which the pride's mountains boasted. She had to clean off somehow and that somehow was not going to be by her own tongue.

On her merry way the lioness' green eyes spotted the most recent Ghurayb, they had met briefly when she had been introduced to the pride. Meltem already knew her name, Siera, but nothing more about the lioness. Mwanga was welcoming, but Meltem was not the most. She was working on this, she showed no hostility, but the gears in her mind were assessing the other. Mwanga's friendliness had lost them one among their ranks, Doug had been taken advantage of and killed for being off his guard. This small lioness (okay, so 3'5 isn't small. But Meltem is 4'2 so she views her as such) didn't seem to be a trouble maker by any means. Rather than continuing on her path to the hotsprings, the mud covered Mkemia trotted over and tapped the other female's shoulder. "Hey. Have you been up to the mountains yet? It's the perfect time to go right now."


The pale lioness was sat down on a rock looking at the savana scenery. As the night was coming down soon upon the territory Siera took the time to lock her gaze onto the far away river. She remembered crossing it with ease, water wasn't an element she was scared of. The female have had too much encounter with it to be scared of it. Most of the time she would escape from hostile packs by crossing rivers or big water canals. The liquid of life creating her favorite thing: mud. The best allie for hunt and a perfect appearance. Recently Siera had been putting herself on the side mostly hanging around doing nothing when her hunt of the day was done. Mud was for others seen as dirty and useless but again she was different. The lioness wasn't like the others and kept most of her comments for herself she had learned that quite well. 

Siera had manage to kept her social life to almost non-existent even though she was staying with a pack and she was quite proud of it. Most of the time only nodding to greet others or just mimicking she had something to do by running away in the oposite dirrection it seemed that the lonely lioness wasn't that bad at keeping her sanity. Still the female had found the way to forget herself. Eating too much meat for her own liking and a lot less bugs than usual. It was hard to always hide from everyone to do her things. Mud baths took time to dry and sleeping in the open was quite dangerous as anyone could spot her. Sighing at herself for the hundred time the huntress had sadly found a way in her loneliness to forget who she truly was. All of those habits she had to put aside just to be sure to please the pack was hard to swallow. As a voice appeared out of nowhere the unknown touch made the anxious lioness spring back on her paws and turn around fastly. There it was, another member of the pack but covered in mud? Now Siera was clearly lost yet she didn't answered. Just a confused face while her mind raced about everything she had put as granted. 


Meltem was used to fairly strange reactions to anything she did, such a reaction had not been the first she received and it surely wouldn't be the last. A face like the one Siera was making was to be expected with so many newcomers to the pride- she had not properly been introduced to Manqoba but something told her maybe that was because of her strange antics and tendency to come home late where the Mtunza wore himself out early and was resting long before she returned. Enzi was a different story, she and the caracal exchanged faces to one another- Enzi would flip Meltem off and Meltem would stick her tongue out and that would be their interaction. She wasn't sure if the caracal liked her or not... Luna kept to herself but they had to interact now and then on matters regarding Kimungu. Meltem's closest friend group comprised of Nabi and Heffin, Koda, and many others who were not in the pride. 

The mud covered lioness realized she had gotten sidetracked mentally again- a frequent occurance when she'd given herself a long day of work, and brought a paw to her face to wipe clean her dusted eyes. Under that dirt there was dull ginger fur, bringing out those happy eyes of hers. "You're Siera, a Ghurayb, and I'm Meltem, a Mkemia. I am dirty from many hours of work, but I was going to wash off... eventually..." she flashed a small smile and gave the other lioness some space. "I wont ask questions if that's too much for you. I just wanted to properly..." she glanced down at her muddy self and shrugged, "Introduce myself. And ask if you wanted to go up the mountain a little bit to watch the sunset. It's a great view of the plains, you can see some of Haramu's camps from up there. And if you go up far enough, you can spot Jioni in the distance. I figured such knowledge would be good, regardless of whether or not you decide to stay with us." The lioness gave it a moment and gently asked, "So, what do you say?" 


All those informations told with such an uproar of energy caught offguard the pale female. Siera wasn't used to talk much neither listening much. The lonely life she had forged her to be a solo lion and she was used to it. Never seeking attention nor social contacts unlike most people this feline was perfectly fine if she could never see anyone for the rest of her life. Sadly, the need of a stable shelter add took over the pale huntress leaving her no choice but to enter a pride. Sure, the rogue life was fun but all that running without interuption was tiring mentally. Still young Siera knew more than anyone that if she didn't choose fast death would come for her one day or .... humans. That was and will always be a big no. 

The fellow lion seemed quite nice like mostly everyone yet again she felt restrain within all that kindness. If she refused the offer it would look bad but at the same time the huntress couldn't care less about climbing a mountain to look at the sunset. Her spot was already great so why change it? '' Greetings. I do mind questions when they are vague or that i don't want to answer them other than that i usually don't mind. If i don't want to answer i just say so althought im not one to chat with im a lonely solo huntress. All this is quite new'' She started with a very low voice almost a whisper. '' Why not, one more mountain to climb or one less doesn't matter. I don't count anymore how much biomes i have ran through.'' Finished Siera to accept the offer even if she would rather not. 


Maybe it was her new life as a mother, responsible for two big liars, that made Mel question the other's words. Most in her life were usually quite straightforward, being from Jioni usually meant an outspoken upbringing, but Mwangans and those who were drawn for one reason or another to their ranks were usually different. Well, she was a Mwangan now. Had been for some time. She just meant the other Mwangans, the ones who came from beyond the mountain range or the ones who were of different prides before. Not the Jionians. But Hani was quiet... but in her own way, also still had remnants of that Jioni to her. Still, everyone minded questions that they didn't want to answer. "Every pride has their fair share of solo,"she commented with a shrug. "New, yes. I'm sure it is,"she then acknowledged and searched the other female. Meltem then waved her off. "You know, you can say no. It's late, I'm a stranger to you, and you don't seem very comfortable. I'll take a rain-check, alright?" the female backed up, flicking some of the drying mud from her toes and onto the stone ground. "I have to go wash off anyway. Enjoy your night, and if you want company I'll be at the hotsprings." 


The ease that the darker lioness had to read the fellow lion took Siera by surprise. Was she that predictable and readable? For sure her personnal social skills were almost non-existent but that facility was discerning. Usually people would fall into her act and never question her words but this female was something else. Jealousy? More likely so as the pale huntress always wished to be like that. A social feline being able to understand people and no problem talking to strangers but her body didn't want any of it. Every time when a new face would come up to her's a stress ball would form into her belly and mock her. Not to forget the treason her voice was doing by shutting hitself down to only let out some whispering. 

'' Im not one to say no, you are an upper rank by that mark you are arboring. Refusing such an honorfull invitation would be seen as an insult toward you and your people. I might not be used to live in a pride or society but i know the big lines of courtesy.'' Whispered once again the tormented lioness. Her words were well though and she was proud of her answer for once. Always think twice before answering was a lesson that she learned the hard way. The solo huntress had been very lucky as her body didn't showed any of the marks that others had given her. Graced by the ones up there guarding her all her wounds had healed perfectly leaving nothing to be seen or though about it. '' If i were you id keep that mud on to dry completly and then shake it off. It leaves a gorgeous fur and helps when hunting as its hide your odour'' She finished impulsively before insulting herself mentally. It was quite dumb of herself to say stuff like that to maybe her future upper rank.


Now, the ginger female got an outwardly humored look as she was given advice from the other lioness- but the amusement was not from the advice, simply from the words before it. "Oh, trust me, It wasn't an honorful invitation and while I may be an upper rank, I'm no different than you. My mate is the Mhubiri and I know herbs, but no one is too 'low'. Kimungu loves us all the same. But I appreciate your courtesy nonetheless." And finally, she looked down at her fur and back up with a smile. "Yeah, okay. I'll try that. Thanks for the tip," she replied once more and waving goodbye to the other. Meltem changed her direction, heading to the dens rather than the hotsprings. Nabi and the kids would giggle, but if Siera's advice worked, well, it would be well worth it. 


The words of the fellow lioness ran from one ear to another. Siera didn't care about the opinion Meltem had about ranks and hierarchy. She had too much bad encounters to know that a great first impression and a polite speach is the thing that makes difference. Upper ranks were a category that the pale feline rarely talked to unless necessary. Then again most of the time it was for the question or that the bad leader wanted something in exchange. Here it seemed different but yet again. Loosing those habits she had would prove to be quite difficult since they were deeply ingrave into her mind. Siera gave back a simple nod as a goodbye. Surely this encounter had been quick yet she was happy about it. The less social the best it would be as it meant less error possibilities. 

Author's Notes

-> Before all the dino problems

-Word count-

Siera: 1141

Meltem: 1154

Total: 2295

-Fang count-

200w x 11times => 5 x 11 = 55

Siera @me

Meltem Howikin (deviant)