
5 years, 8 months ago

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Man: Are you sitting quite comfortably? I'd like to remind you that what you see is very much all there is. Me, you and whatever burdens you may carry. We'll start with your name, what is it?

Well, the furniture here is decent and I will not be too harsh with you about it, but in general I would say it’s comfy enough to have me here. You should add more light, we are not in a cave. Ah, my name. My name is Daeva Rashneon, pleased to meet you, I hope.

Man: Do you think your name suits you? Do you perhaps plan on changing it or do you feel that it has helped define you as a person? Could you imagine yourself with any other name?

Oh, my name.... if we are talking about it in an ethimological way then yes. But mythologicaly talking no. I’m a bit ashamed  of my parents, even if they chosed the name because of what they thought it means: “A being of shimmering light”. But it actualy means some kind of fake god, and to be honest I find it offensive. I wouldn’t change my name, though. I’m very fond of it and I wear it with dignity.

Man: How old are you, if you don't mind my asking?

Let me tell you, fellow, but I find it very much unpolite of you to ask the age of a lady. But for job reasons, that I asume you are asking me, I would tell you that I’m on my twenty fourth year of life.

Man: When is your birthday? Do you know your astrological sign? Do you believe that it's accurate to your personality?

I was born on May 10. And yes, I know my zodiac sign, I’m a taurus, and I do feel some sort of connection with it, even if it’s scientificaly idiotic to believe that a zodiac sign can be accurate. It’s called parapsychology.

Man: Say you're a third person who is describing you here to someone who's never met you before. What key traits would you mention? Why those in particular?

Ah, easy. A tall, dark, beautiful woman with silky hair. With a pair of piercing aquamarine eyes and a soft skin that you will never be able to touch. Very intellectual, a bit sassy and prideful. I could spend an hour describing myself, it’s really easy to me, and even soothing.

Man: Are there many traits you wish you didn't have? Or perhaps any that you feel you wouldn't be you without them?

Oh that’s an interesting one. I feel perfect as I am, I don’t have anything to add, but I must admit that a lot of people may fall with this question into feeling like garbage. It’s just that I’m above all of them, so nope. I wouldn’t change a single hair or thought. -smiles-

Man: What are your favourite, simple things? Perhaps when a stranger smiles at you, or your favourite song comes up on the radio?

Daeva: … I wouldn’t call it simple things just like that. But the touch of silk fabric, or any kind of good fabric in my skin, or hands. That’s one of my top favorites. Seeing jewels, brushing my hair… The smell of homemade cooking, I miss that one, but I content myself with the equally delicious smell of the best restaurants on the city. I will not mention flavors because I do love food, and I want to answear quickly. Listening to a song it’s pretty fine, too. But the most common for me, is knowing other people find me beautiful.

Man: Do you listen to music? If you do, which genres do you find yourself most attracted to honestly? Why is this? If not, why is that?

Well, I already told you that I do… I like relaxing music, but I must admit that I have a preference for jazz, but not all kind of it.

Man: Have you ever heard that, if you listen to the lyrics of someone's favourite song, you'll hear the words they can't say? Meaning, in the nutshell, that the people being spoken of listen to music they can relate to and that's often that they're hurting in some way. Do you listen to music that you can relate to especially?

I don’t believe in that, I think that’s a bit pretentius and sad. But there must be some persons who indentify themselves with the lyrics of a particular song. There are songs that may resonate with me, but I wouldn’t tell that it’s because it speaks what I cannot speak. It’s a bit of a romantic idea, but I don’t share it.

Man: If ever, when do you listen to music? When you're sad, happy, angry, lonesome, excited?

 Daeva: When I’m in a particular mood to listen to it. It tends to be when I’m in a good mood, but relaxed. Or when I groom myself.

Man: Do you ever feel blissful one minute and then depressed the next?


Daeva: It’s unusual but I’ve felt like that. It depends a lot on what other people do. I mean, depressed it’s a bit of an exaggeration for me. I would say something more like angry or sad. But to say depressed just like that, oh my… I must be in a very hard situation. I have been, but it is very atypical.

Man: How often do you notice your moods change? How does this affect those around you?

Daeva: Well excuse me, but why should I care about the others in the first place? I only would be worried if I’m on my job place, because there no one should express any kind of emotion or it would ruin the work enviroment. In any other case, I don’t really care if someone gets sad because I am, or if they envy my own happiness. Anyways, I must admit that I am usually moody. I try not to be, though, but I show my emotions easily, even if it’s in very little proportions, compared to others, of course.

Man: How do you feel you communicate with other people? Do you feel you lack the proper skills to hold onto friendships?

I’ve never had the intention to have a friendship because I see it as a waste of time and effort. I don’t need that to have a good life. I have my parents alive, a great career and a fulfilling work. And most important, myself.

Man: What is your oldest friend's name and what are they like? Do you remember how you met? Have you ever fought physically or otherwise?

Daeva: You won’t stop, will you? I don’t have and old friend, neither a new or anykind of friends.

Man: Why do you think is that?

I think I’ve already explained myself. People are fake when they come close to me. If they are girls, they wanna be like me, and if they are men, they wanna fuck me. I don’t have the intention to be there for them in any kind of situation. I must admit that there are people that find me repulsive, even if I don’t understand them, but for me, they are the most interesting people and I would like to know why they don’t like myself. Even though, I won’t waste my time in them, I have more important things to do, of course.

Man: Are you currently in a romantic relationship? Do you think that you two will stay together for much longer? If you aren't currently dating anyone, think about the last time you did.

I have never dated anyone. I don’t believe that there is a person good enough for me, if you want to put it in simple terms. But it’s more about a thing of feeling comfortable with other people. I simply don’t... or can't.

Man: Are you interested in having any type of romantic relationship? To know what it’s like? 

Daeva: For scientific pourposes maybe, but not really. I find it weird… to be so devote to someone that isn’t you. To depend very much on the other being, isn’t that scary? And don’t make me start in the sexual content. I think it’s gross, and I know normaly people want that kind of stuff in their relationships.

Man: -He keeps silence for a moment.- Why do you believe that people want that? And why gross, specifically?

By a social and biologycal point of view, it's because of survival. Simple as that. As a specie, the humans want to reproduce and that’s something natural. But I think that the way the media show it to us is humilliating and it doesn’t seem as something that is… correct. To let someone else touch your body to get pleasure… and people.. people aren’t very higyenic. -she seems upset and embarassed- I don’t want to understand or experience that feeling. And I don’t want to feel like I need something that primitive to feel wholesome. The only way that I can put it in words is that it’s really gross.

Man: You think that everybody have that point of view? If not, don't you think that there may be people like you that would be able to have a romantic experience without unwanted physical contact?

… I didn't thought about it before. There may be people like that, but I don’t want a relationship not just because of that, but just because it’s a waste of my time.

Man: Tell me about your parents, what were they like? In what ways did they influence you most, do you think?

Thank you. I love my parents. My mother passed away, but she was decent enough. However, my father was the most important figure in the family. They treated me like they treated a princess -smiles-. I think my mother taught me to treat me appropriately and to be respectful with myself. And my father showed me the political world. He is an important political figure, and if it were not for him, he would not have studied chemistry. They are ... they were, very good parents.

Man: Are/Were there any other significant people in your life? Any aunts or uncles who took care of you as a child, perhaps?

My uncle. Well, he's not my real uncle, but I always called him that. He is also an important political figure, but thanks to him I am now a member of the advisors of the second supreme leader of Iran. As you can see, I never had time to play with toys and cousins. In my family, the most important thing is what we are going to do with our power and destiny.

Man: Do you think that the person you are now has changed all that much from when you were a child?

I surely grow a lot in a physical way, and I got a lot more matureness and mental sharpness. But I believe that I just improved myself.

Man: How about your teenage years? Did you enjoy them?

Daeva: I was studying for the most part. So… yes, I did enjoyed them quite a lot. But I'm okay with where I am now.

 Man: What are some things that you just can't stand? Not people, not places, just things.

Toxic masculinity. Ugly things, ugly behaviours… To think that the war is okey, the posture of the Occident in every single thing, I have a lot of stuff that I don’t like, and most of it, comes from people.

Man: What are your opinions on individuality? I'm open minded, don't worry.

It is the core of who we are as persons, it can be very much problematic in a political point of view, but on the other hand we are gregarius animals. While we can be very much selfcentered and think that our point of view is everything, we will still live in a collectivity that we cannot scape.

Man: How do you feel when someone opposes you? Verbally or otherwise? How do you react instantly?

I want to squize my hands in their throats and kill them inmedeatly. I get angry, is the normal thing. I hate it with guts and all, speceally if I know that what I’m talking is true. I mean, I will know more about “science shit” and “political stuff” than a regular mid-class man in my country. And that’s just the start… I will get defensive, but I try to be calm so I can scort them to the center of hell for their lack of culture. -takes a deep breath and then smiles calmly-.

Man: Could you be described as a violent person? Would you say you're a violent person?

Daeva: I can be verbally or psychologically violent, but in a physical way no. I don’t think that I am violent as a person, but I can be. Of course.

Man: Is it ever okay to harm or kill someone?

Depends on how much the person deserves it. But as a political I would disagree in any kind of death penalty. It would be terrible and just to think how many innocent people would be killed just because they are oppositors is simple insane. Corruption is really a disease.

Man: Do you agree that it's a "hunt or be hunted/eat or be eaten" world?

If we think us as animals, yes. I mean, we still classify as animals even if we don’t like it. Still, I truly believe that the ways in which “we” hunt as humans can be more barbaric in a way, because we know what is resentment and hate.

Man: Which would you say you were more likely to be viewed as? Hunted or hunter?

A hunter, of course.

Man: If you were the hunter, would you ever befriend or help someone who could be called the (almost-) hunted? Would you aid them in becoming a fellow hunter, perhaps?

It depends, I really think that I would not make friends with anyone. I mean, I have not done it yet and I will not call myself a huntress at this time. But it's not about the state of hunter/hunted of others, it's more about how much I dislike the rest.

Man: What do you do when you pass someone on the streets who looks lost or looks like someone in need of help?

They can ask for help, for sure. But I wouldn’t help them just because I can. I have my own things to do.

Man: I know we've been doing this for a while now, but how do you feel when you express your feelings? Do you perhaps feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders or a claw has released your chest or do you "vent" so often to people that it's become a normal sensation?

I think it’s quite pleasant to have someone there to listen all the stuff you want to say. I could get used to this, actually. But I don’t know if I feel like a weight has been lifted from anywhere of my body. It’s just nice, that’s all.

Man: How often do you find yourself ranting about issues that bother you to your significant partner? Do they (unconsciously) make you feel like you're just being a burden or are they constantly telling you that you can tell them anything that worries you?

Well, I rant about what I want with myself. Or with people I’m talking with at the very moment, but I don’t have someone in particular to talk about the stuff that I don’t like or etc. If someone believes that I’m a burden well, that’s their loss, not mine.

Man: I know we're both busy people so I'll close up this meeting now. It's been lovely talking to you and I hope you feel like that claw has let go or the weight has vanished now? I hope we can do this again sometime and I'm always here if you need me. Goodbye!

Thank you very much, it’s been lovely indeed. I would gladly make an appointment for you if you like so, goodbye.