It's Go Time

3 years, 9 months ago

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tw; short mentions of alcohol 


The streets were busy this time of year.

It was a festival- a large party in the SandWing territory. The three moons shone over the roads and houses and dragons lining the city in a jovial, rambunctious celebration. Dragons danced along the paths to music pumping and bouncing against the buildings, drums and marimbas and chimes all throughout. 

Apex found it particularly exciting.

The music rang in her ears, the drum’s vibrations reverberating through the ground, very gently shaking her talons, but the presence was bigger than any of the dragons crowding the place. Her smile didn’t quite leave her face as she walked through, ever face she saw grinning as well. Lanterns and the light of the three moons lit up the smiling dragons.

Although it was easy to say the HoodWing wished she had someone to share it with. Moreover, two particular someones.

Of course, she’d never known her parents. And she was aware that other dragons who were orphans had the tendency to not care so much, but Apex did. It was funny how two dragons she never knew could leave a gaping hole where she thought something’d be. Be it company, love, or whatever. Or maybe just the simple will to know someone. 

Despite this, the pure energy of entertainment at the party kept Apex going, and she figured if she was gonna go anywhere, it’d be to a den to get a nice drink. 

Pushing through the crowd, Apex approached a den with red lanterns hanging over the entrance, and the soft sound of chatter resonating from inside. She flicked her tail and headed in, keeping her wings folded in closely as to not accidentally topple any server over. 

Apex found herself a nice seat at the bar, where there was a SandWing and a RainWing conversing in the corner, a MudWing just a few seats away, and a SandWing next to Apex. She was large, had black patterns along her sandy scales, and a tired yet entertained expression.

“Quite the party, hm? I always have good fun at these Three Moon festivals”

the SandWing piped up, swiveling her head to look down at the HoodWing. 

“Oh, sure”

Apex responded in a friendly manner, curling her tail up. 

“I mean, everybody’s just having a good time, y’know? No worries, really..”.

The SandWing chuckled, tapping a talon against the bar, then taking a small sip of her drink. 

“Mhm. But what of the next night? Well, probably many hangovers, if I’m being honest”.

Apex chuckled at this, glancing up to ponder what sort of drink she was going to get. 

“Yeah...but with that many dragons trying to keep quiet, it shouldn’t be all that bad..”

she said in a casual manner, simply keeping the conversation going as to not bring it to an awkward stop. 

The SandWing nodded, and Apex leaned against the counter, tapping her talon against her chin in an indecisive pondering. She sighed and let her gaze travel across the shelves and decorations lining the place, until one poster unexpectedly caught her eye. Apex tilted her head at it, narrowing her gaze in an attempt at a better look.

 “Excuse me” 

Apex said softly to the SandWing before hopping off of her seat, and walking over to the wall.

”Apex Legends..looking for dragons who can join for high loot..”

she mumbled, gazing at the poster with a contemplative expression.


Why exactly this poster caught her eye, she didn’t know. Maybe it had something to do with it kinda having her name on it. Or maybe it was the colors. Or was the prospect of it...or the implications.

So it seemed to be a..pretty big event, maybe? It sure seemed to be- and loot made it sound particularly appealing to dragons, so surely a good many were going to be there. A good many..from all over. Maybe a coincidental meeting would happen. Well, of course meetings would happen, but what if one happened to her?

Apex wasn’t quite thinking the just above average chance meeting. No, no soulmate or rival or best friend for life kinda meeting. More like a meeting she’d been waiting for her entire life- one that could fill that strange little gap in her very core that bugged her every day. The gap that tugged at her to do something- but do what? What would be her opportunity? What would cause such a fateful meetup? 

Apex furrowed her brow, taking one last long gaze at the poster before turning back, sitting next to the SandWing who looked like she was about to pass out. A drink slid across the bar to Apex’s talons, to which the HoodWing placed some gold on the counter in return. 

So maybe not. 

Maybe it’d just be an event that got her money, and nothing more. Maybe her pondering was just wishful thinking, and could really only happen in a perfect world where everyone got what they wanted.

Apex finished her drink, setting the empty glass down, giving a quick thank you to the bartender before sliding off of her seat again, making her way to the door, the smile plastered on her face replaced with a more serious, speculative emotion. She slowly looked back at the poster. 

Then again....

Maybe it’d be just what she was looking for. 

