Secret garden

5 years, 10 months ago

A small glimpse into memories past of a certain pup.

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Secret garden


“It’s hottttt, I wanna go home!” wailed a young pup of 6.

“Aye aye, I know my little sun spark. But it’s such a beautiful day today. It’d be a shame to waste it away at home dont’cha think,” replied an older foo around his 30s. 

“Besides, I want to take you to this place my parents took me every spring as a pup. It’s a secret place who’s location has been passed down by my great great grandparents. Don’t you want to spend some time with your daddy, and learn about this place too?” With a slight pout and quiver of his lower lip, the older foo looked almost ready to bawl.

“Daaaaaad, don’t do that in public. Sheesh what if the people in town see, they already make fun of me enough as is.” Head hanging low the pup stopped in his tracks and sat down. Bangs covering his eyes.

Ren was aware of the bullying his son had to endure around the other pups his age. It mainly centered around him being motherless, children tended to be cruel towards that they did not understand. Staring at his son with something akin to sadness and pity, the older foo sat down in front of his son. “Hey hey, cheer up Sunny. I promise I won’t pull that face again ok? Ok, how about I let you sit on my back the rest of the way, I promise you it’ll be all worth it once we get to the top of this hill!” Sunny’s ears perked up on the prospect of not having to walk anymore, and without any prompting leapt onto his fathers back.

“Ooph – have u gotten a bit heavier since we last did this? Jeez at the rate you are growing, next time it’s going to be you carrying me up this hill!” Ren felt sharp teeth chomp down on his ear at this comment. 

Within 30 minutes they were at the top of the hill, and the sight before them would be burned forever into Sunny’s mind forever. There in front of them was a field of flowers white as snow, seeming to expand endlessly into the distance. Jumping off his fathers back he found himself leaping straight in and running around catching all the scents drifting through the cool spring breeze as he ran. 

“It’s amazing dad! I’ve never seen this many flowers before,” shouted Sunny with untamed childish glee. “Can we come back every year?” Being stuck home all day, due to his fear of being picked on by the bigger pups in town when his dad wasn’t around, Sunny spent most of his time at home.

Ren tackled Sunny and tickled living daylights out of the pup. “Sure thing kiddo, we will definitely come back again next year, and the year after that, and the year after that, and so on and so forth,” promised Ren.

The duo would come back a total of 3 times. But after that they would never set foot in the fields again. With Ren’s busy schedule, he simply forgot about the promise he made to his son all those years ago. Likewise, although Sunny was old enough to go to the secret flower field himself, he saw it as a pointless endeavor without his father there to share the day with him. “Stupid liar,” mumbled a now grown up Sunny under his breathe, with his head propped against the ledge of a windowsill.