Birkitt and his Story

3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 10 months ago

How Birkitt makes friend and lives in the world of Fanglings.

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The Beginning

When Birkitt first woke up he saw lots of green and trees. He was alone and seemed to be in some kind of birds nest. Looking at himself, he thought it best not to use his wings. He then began to climb down the oak tree until he got to the ground. No one was in site, but that didn't mean he was going to stay in the open where birds could find him. He had a very bright and colorful coat and he didn't want to attract predators. He decided to head east and see what he could find.

 After awhile searching, he saw a cleaning that led to a beach. There was sand for miles. (His view since he was the size of a squirrel). As he walked he found nice colorful and shiny things. He picked up a big spiky one and thought he could hear the ocean. Birkitt is convinced that the conch shell is magic and uses a stick and faded rope to fasten it to his back. He then continues walking, only to find a old empty sack. With his strong arms he drags the sack and puts the shiny things in for later. You never know when one might need a magic item. 

Hours later, Birlet sees a blue fellow who is huge and is too picking up the shiny things. Since this seems like an obstacle to collecting the shinies, Birkitt decides to challenge this giant. He walks up with as much gusto as he can muster and shouts 

"Don't Touch The Shiny Things!!!! I Was Here First And Am Willing To Kick Your Big Butt Mister!". 

This giant squints and looks down at this small creature a little bigger than his paw. 

"I believe you are mistaken little man. I have been collecting messages from my god. He communicates through the shells". 

Birkitt looks up at the male and tries his best to stay intimidating. 

"What is this SHELL you speak of? I am talking about the shiny things you have been picking up in the sand. Maybe your god can send his messages some other way. I heard dreams are a very effective way to communicate these days". 

The blue creature laughs and decides it is a smart idea to pick up the small Birkitt.

"You are a funny one my friend. How about this? I can give you the shells after I write down the messages, then I get my answers and you can keep the shiny things...... deal?".

The creature kept grinning at him, but he seemed friendly. The deal sounded fair as well. Might as well follow this fella if he know where to find the shiny things. Based on his fin, the big fella might know how to swim. He might come in handy later.

"Alright buddy, I will take you up on this deal but I dont fully trust you yet. I got my eye on you Fishy. Now if you excuse me, I got to find a place to sleep for the night and a decent meal. Think I saw a cherry tree back a ways. Might head that way".

"Well, if you are heading back into the forest my place isn't too far from the shore.... I can also give you a ride, might seem faster given your size and all".

Birkitt was a little offended by this comment but believed the giant fish was right. With a sigh. He agreed and crawled up his new friends back. Thus began the journey of Birkitt and the Large Fishy.