Weekly Prompts w/ Maude

3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago
2 300

Entry 2
Published 3 years, 10 months ago

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Favorite Holiday

Is it vain of Maude to consider his own birthday a holiday? Oh well, your opinion does not matter to this grumpuss for he has declared his birthday National Maude Day and nothing can change his mind.

Leif always indulges her adorable companion and lets him have his holiday; taking him out on a lovely picnic out in the woods (and letting him drink just a little bit of champagne as a treat). It isn’t anything too grandiose - as Maude doesn’t care much for loud noises or big flashy shows of affection - but there, in the heart of the woods, she sings and makes beautiful flower crowns for him, and gifts him handmade jewelry, trinkets, and clothes that she makes herself! Each item was crafted with extreme love and care that is practically palpable; Maude treasures all the gifts he’s been given and is loathe to part with any of them, even if said gift has long served their purpose.
To others, it may seem like a normal weekend thing to do- but to the grumpy-looking cat, it’s his most favorite of all days and he considers himself oh so lucky to be a faithful Plumiliar to his darling witch. (He always tries to return the favor when her birthday comes around!)