Chéri and Gossip for the Queen

3 years, 9 months ago
293 2

Chéri decides that he will tell his goddess about the latest "gossip" or info near the campfire after the fighting.

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It is night time after a long day and Chéri was growing bored since the fighting stopped. He was looking forward to getting more info about the competitors. However, his day just got better when none other than the Sun Goddess herself sits next to the fire. Chéri thought this was his chance. He was given an opportunity to talk with his goddess.

Walking in a confident stride, he stands in front of the fiery beauty who anyone who is anyone talks about. He makes sure to take an elegant bow and smiles at her. Luckily, she smiled back. This meant she was in a good mood. And so Chéri began...

"My lady, I am not sure if you have seen or heard, but the bonfire has created some new couples in the realm. And you will never guess who I saw hugging underneath the apple tree!!! I think Sahar has a total crush on Taliesin. I swear her eyes almost sparkled. Hard to tell with that fellow if they will become a match, but they have been spending a lot of time together. Rumor has it that they might start a clan. Ooooo I have goosebumps!!! To think that bright casanova would ever have a girl fall in love with him. Can't tell if it's lucky or tragic. But anyways I better get going, Cygnus has been on my tail as of late. I sooo must tell you about Myrdin and Dione next time I run away from this feathered maniac. Until then, Sun Goddess. Tah tah".

And with that the Sun Goddess began to notice another one of her followers with interesting information. While Chéri was running away, he knew he would be seeing her again soon.