
3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
3 2220

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

We're all hurting a little, or even a lot. We're all messed up. We don't even like each other. But at least we can find comfort in our similarities together... if we're willing.

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Cold Breeze

LOLLIPOP sighed, certainly not for the first time that day. He'd just listened to CHOCOLATE berating him for god knows how long, and he had stepped outside to the balcony for a break. There was a slight breeze and the view, a flower-covered field, was all too familiar. He looked to his side and nearly jumped when he noticed a shadowy figure beside him, before realizing it was only LICORICE.

"Oh, you're back." He awkwardly muttered. LICORICE barely glanced at him, but said nothing. He didn't really know what he expected. The awkwardness began to subside into a sort of mutual silence as both of them simply stood there in the cool air.

"You okay?" LICORICE said, so quietly that LOLLIPOP could barely hear her. He didn't know if she was talking to him... didn't know if she had even meant to speak. From his experience, she never initiated conversation, so regardless, he felt obligated to at least say something. Something honest, for once.

"Uh... kind of? Not... really." His reply was almost equally as quiet.


"Why... does it matter?"

"Don't ask me."


LICORICE fell silent once again, but held eye contact while keeping that emotionless expression she always had. LOLLIPOP's eyes darted around, but he couldn't help but look back at her. Did she... expect him to know what she meant? Ask who? Ask... himself? His expression changed from discomfort to surprised confusion, and LICORICE simply blinked and turned away. It seemed like some sort of affirmation, although it was extremely hard to tell.

"Wait, don't go yet... please." He put his hand on her shoulder and she looked back at him, still betraying no emotion. "I... I can't fix this. You must know that." He felt tears welling up in his eyes. She'd only spoken six words to him! How was he getting this emotional? LICORICE turned her head away from LOLLIPOP once more.

"Try." And she was gone. By the seventh word, tears were streaming down his face as he thought of all the things he'd endured being an assassin. The violence, the rumors, the harassment, the constant feeling of uselessness. He'd already tried so hard! What could trying any more possibly do? Break his ego even more? LICORICE practically spoke in riddles, but he wasn't smart enough to understand those riddles... but she seemed to care about him... maybe? It was so hard to tell. But her support, if you could call it that, made him feel just a little safer as the breeze grew colder and he began shivering. There was a blanket on the floor next to him where LICORICE had been standing... maybe she really did care.