Sikeri Behavior Exam - Bolt

5 years, 10 months ago

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Part I

The sun has set, and the dark clouds started rolling in. Quinn, Zion, and Maxwell had just returned from a walk, despite the frigid temperatures. As they settled in, they could hear a harsh whistling from outside.

“Wow the wind has really picked up out there.”

“Yeah… glad we were able to get back to my place in time before the snowstorm hit,” Quinn replied to Maxwell. “The winter storms have been brutal this season so far.”

“How much are we expecting to get this time?? I can only take so much snow at once,” Zion groaned as they slumped their head on their hand. Their eyes were fixated on the tree branches waving around outside.

“At least 30 centimeters… again,” Quinn sighed. There was a brief pause. “Would anyone like some hot tea? We can sit by the fireplace with it to warm up a bit.”

The others nodded. Quinn quickly walked into the kitchen to prepare the hot tea for their friends. “Now where did I put that thing? They began rummaging through all their cabinets with no luck.

Dammit! I can never keep track of my own things! Quinn sat on the cold floor holding his head. Can I just for once not lose something that I own? They pounded their fist on the floor.

“Quinn… you need any help in there?” Maxwell shouted from the other room.

Sigh… “No, I’m fine. Thanks.” Quinn sat for a little longer. Suddenly, they heard some scratching and chirping from outside. The chirps sounded distressed. “…What could that be?”

They got up from the floor and peered out the kitchen window. A rainbow-colored creature was sitting outside, trembling from the cold. The snow had started coming down quick, and the creature had accumulated some snow on them.

“Oh my gosh! That poor creature!” Quinn quickly ran out of the kitchen and to the front door.

“Woah woah woah! Quinn what’s going on?” Zion sounded concerned. “You can’t go out there!”

“Zi, Max, there is something out there that needs help. I won’t be gone long it’s right outside.” Quinn quickly ran out the door and closed it behind them without giving Maxwell or Zion a chance to respond.

Quinn fought through the snow and wind to get where the creature was. The creature wasn’t scared of Quinn. It somehow seemed to know that Quinn was there to help. “Hey there little buddy. Why don’t you come inside and get out of this horrible weather?” The creature gave out a weak chirp and slowly walked over to Quinn. “Here, let me help.” They picked up the creature and carried him inside.

*          *          *

“A what now?” Quinn looked at Zion puzzled.

“A Sikeri! They can make really good companions.” Zion stated.

“Yeah they can be extremely helpful,” Maxwell added. “You can train them to help you with tasks and such. Honestly, Quinn, this Sikeri is perfect for you! It matches your color pallet almost perfectly!”

“And maybe you could use a companion to help you keep track of your belongings,” Zion chuckled.

Quinn puffed out their cheeks. “I don’t lose my stuff that often.” they murmured.

“However, if you do decide to keep him, you will need to take a Sikeri Behavior Exam. See, you can’t just take a Sikeri from the wild and call it your own. You have to get a Sikeri Owners Permit.” Maxwell paused, waiting for Quinn to reply.

“Well how am I supposed to get that?”

“You’ll have to study,” Zion chimed in. “The easiest way in my opinion would be to read about them. You could also observe them and write notes about their behavior, but with this weather that seems unlikely. Once this storm passes, we can trek over to my place and I can let you borrow some books I have!”

“That would be great! Thank you Zi!”

“No problem!” Zion grinned. “Once you finish studying, you will have to do a performance task with your Sikeri. It can be anything really, which will be assigned to you when you get to the examination. So it's best to be prepared for anything.”

“Well I guess I better start studying soon. Once this storm passes. Then we can go get those books from your place.”

They sat in silence by the fire. The Sikeri has made himself at home, curling up next to Quinn. Maybe owning a Sikeri and having some responsibility would be good for me. As much as Zi was being funny, I could use the extra hand around here to keep track of my things. I’m gonna have to study like I’ve never studies before! Quinn glanced over at the Sikeri. I’m going to make sure I take good care of you.


Part II

Quinn has been studying from the books that Zion lent them for about 2 months now. The weather has started warming up as the seasons have recently turned from Winter to Spring. They have made sure to study from the books at least 4 times per week for the past 8 weeks, taking careful notes about how to care for a Sikeri and how they interact with other Katragoons.

“Well Bolt, the day is here, I have put in all my hours of study in order to take the exam!” They jot down their final notes: I have decided to name my Sikeri Bolt. From observing his actions, he is not only quick moving but also quick thinking! He really is the perfect complement for me!

Quinn signs off his final log of hours they studied that day under their notes. Quinn has made sure to keep a very organized notebook with all their study notes along with the number of study hours that day when they are asked for proof of their studies.

“And that’s that!! I’ve already set up our examination for hour 14. Are you ready, Bolt?”

“EEEPP!” Bolt lets out as a chirp of excitement.

“Me too! I wonder what we will be asked to---” Quinn was cut off by a knocking at the door.

“Hmm, I’m not expecting any visitors. Wonder who that could be.” Quinn went to open the door, where they were met by a husky Katragoon nearly half their size.

“Hello, are you Quinn Pride?”

Quinn froze. “I—I am. Yes I am Quinn. C—can I help you?” They stuttered trying to keep calm.

“I am here to confirm your appointment for the examination at hour 14. I will be judging your performance task this afternoon.” His voice was deep and intimidating.

“Oh… great! Nice to… meet you!” Quinn tried to force a smile and hide their fear.

The husky Kat grunted. “Is this the Sikeri you will be testing with?” He asked as he gestured his head towards Bolt.

“Y—yes. This is Bolt.” 

He began vigorously scribbling on his clipboard he was holding. It looked so small I his giant hands. “Very well. I will be expecting you at hour 14, sharp. See you then.” The Kat turned around and walked away slowly, leaving Quinn’s door open.  

Quinn stood paralyzed. THAT is going to be my evaluator? Quinn turned around sat on the ground next to Bolt. “I’m doomed.”

“Yeah you probably got the worst evaluator of the whole bunch.” Maxwell’s voice came out of nowhere.

“GAAH!” Quinn spun around to find Zion and Maxwell standing in their doorway. “Geez don’t do that to me you scared me half to death!” Quinn sat for a moment holding his chest. “When did you guys even get here anyway?”

“We were walking to your house but then we saw that guy at your door, so we hid around the corner until he left,” Zion stated. “We knew your exam was today, so we wanted to tag along with you for support!”

“Aww, thanks! Sorry for yelling I’m just nervous. I thought I was ready but now I’m not so sure.”

“You’re gonna be fine!” Zion put their hand on Quinn’s shoulder. “You’ve got Bolt’s support now, too!”

“EEP!” Bolt chirped. He nuzzled Quinn’s leg.

Sigh. “You’re right. It shouldn’t matter who is evaluating me. We were going to do the same thing no matter what.

“You’ve got about 3 hours before you need to get to your evaluation. How about you just relax until you need to go? We can keep you company!” Maxwell smiled.

“Thanks guys. You’re the best” The three of them went in for a group hug. “Oh! Before I forget, let me put my notebook in my messenger bag so I can show them my logged hours.” Quinn broke away from the hug to grab his notebook and slip it into his messenger bag. “Don’t let me forget this, Bolt.”

“EEP EEP!” Bolt chirped and saluted Quinn.

“Alright, time to relax before we go.”

*          *          *

Quinn, Maxwell, Zion, and Bolt were hiking up the side of a steep mountain where the examinations are held at the top.

“Geez I guess part of the exam is just getting up this mountain,” Quinn grunted as they struggled to get their words out.

“Yeah they really try to test you. Some Kats give up because they can’t get up the mountain. Anyone who decides to do this in the winter or the summer doesn’t know what they are getting themselves into.” Zion paused for a moment as they squinted their eyes. “Hey! I think the top is right up there!!”

“You’re right!! Let’s get moving!” Quinn started sprinting up the hill with Bolt right by his side. “We are gonna do great!” Suddenly, Quinn sensed an emptiness by his side where someone once was.

“…oh no.” Quinn came to a grinding halt. Bolt tripped over himself trying to stop alongside Quinn. “I lost my messenger bag. My notebook!!” Quinn’s heart sank. “Nono this can’t be happening… where is my bag!?”

“Is everything okay Quinn?” Zion shouted from behind

Quinn sat in silence. Bolt stared at Quinn concerned. “Eeep?”

“I know I grabbed my bag. It must have fallen off me. Why do I always lose my things? I can’t ever keep track of my own DAMN THINGS!” Quinn slammed his fist into the ground.

“EEP EPEPEPEEEPEEP!!!!” Bolt screeched at Quinn. “EEP EEPEEPEEPEEEEEP!” He started nudging Quinn to get up.

“…You’ll help me look for it? We don’t have too much time.”

Bolt nodded. “EEP EEP!” He gestured towards Maxwell and Zion.

“You’re right. I have all the help I can get right now.

Quinn and Bolt ran down to Maxwell and Zion to explain what happened. “Let’s split up. Max and Zi you guys can look towards the beginning of the mountain. Bolt and I can look around up here, this way if we can’t find it, we can quickly get up to the top of the mountain.”

“We’re on it!” they said in unison as they ran down the mountainside.

“Alright, Bolt, let’s look for that bag!”

Quinn and Bolt searched around together through every tree and bush they came across. Five minutes turning into ten. Ten turned into fifteen.

“Bolt, I’m starting to lose hope, I don’t think I’m getting that bag back. We only have ten minutes left before we have to be up there! I won’t be able to prove to them that I did my studies and they won’t be able to give me my permit. I’m sorry Bolt.”

“EEP!” Bolt looked determined. He sat there for a moment thinking. Suddenly his face lit up. “EEP EEP!!”

“What’s up Bolt? You have an idea?

Bolt started sniffing Quinn for a good thirty seconds. He then began sniffing the air. “EEP EEP!!” Bolt screeched. He pointed Quinn in the direction he thought the bag was.

“You think you found it? Come on let’s go!” They quickly ran towards where Bolt thought the bag would be. Moments later, Bolt came to a screeching halt by a bush.

 “EEP EEP!” He chirped with excitement, pointing at the bush.

“You think it’s in here? I wonder how it would have ended up here.” Quinn didn’t have time to question. “Come ‘on Bolt, help me look through this bush!” Quinn started moving branches out of the way as Bolt crawled through the small spaces. Bolt started backing up with a bag in his mouth. He dropped it in front of Quinn jumping up and down chirping.

“We did it Bolt! I have no idea how it could have ended up here. Maybe some other creature snagged it after it fell off.” Quinn looked up into the sky to see where the sun was. “Oh no! It might be after hour 14! We gotta hurry!” They sprinted towards the top of the mountain. Quinn didn’t care that they were tired anymore. They just needed to get to their exam.

*          *          *

The husky Katragoon was waiting, staring at the sky. He grunted and tapped his foot waiting for the arrival of Quinn and Bolt. He hears a voice from a distance.

“We’re here!” Quinn gasped as they came to the top of the mountain.

“Welcome,” the Katragoon grunted. Do you have your study hour journal?

“I—I do!” Quinn was still trying to catch their breath as he shoved his hand into his bag and handed the husky Kat the journal.

He took it without saying a word. He handed the journal back to Quinn again without saying a word. There was a long pause. “You’re late. We told you hour 14 sharp.” He spat.

“B—but I—you see I ran into a pro—”

“However,” he cut Quinn off. “I saw how you and Bolt worked together to try to find your bag. And you succeeded. I am therefore permitted to give you this.” He handed Quinn a slip of paper.

“Wha—is this—”

“Your permit. Yes. You have passed your examination.”   

I can’t believe it! This whole time I thought I was going to be late or not be able to find my journal. But the exam was actually happening when I didn’t even know it! “Thank you, sir!”

“You’re welcome,” he grunted. “And congratulations.”

“Hey Quinn!” A voice came from a small distance. Zion and Maxwell were running to the top of the mountain. “Did you find your journal?” Zion asked in concern.

“Yupp! Annnd I got my permit!!” Quinn picked up Bolt and gave him a hug. “I’m so proud of you! You get to stay with me now!”

“EEP!!” Bolt cheered.

“We should go celebrate!” Maxwell put his arm around Quinn. “Come ‘on! Let’s go!”


The four of them ran down the mountainside together. Bolt was happily skipping next to Quinn. We did it, Bolt. Today starts our new adventure together. 
