Fabl cant come up with a FUCKG TITLE ND I AM TIRED

3 years, 9 months ago

FOH Part 3 gift writing from my FAV fabl bc they are great and i give them 1 millio smoo

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Falling through a hole was never really on anyone's list of things to do in Harara. Or at least, it wasn't on Crickets list.
One second they were in a seat, watching the events and seeing the sights, the next Cricket found themself tumbling through the open hole with a handful of other guests. The ground was reaching up at them quickly and to avoid a splat Cricket had to act fast. Magic grew a column of rocks to cradle them and lessen the impact while also lowering them carefully to the floor. Standing now, cricket looked up, the raining bodies above continued, with some being saved by wings or magic cushion. The satyr used their own magic, more rocks reaching up to help safely lower those not quick enough to save themselves, and who lacked wings, to safety. With each rocky spire, they grew Cricket was worried about hitting ledges or blocking the winged folk's paths, hopefully, they didn't have either happen. But the concern was still there.
The dust was just starting to settle with a halt in more falling people when the king spoke, voice booming through all levels gathered. Even in the lowest section deep in the ancient city Cricket hear the challenge, and would rise to it because it only seemed right. First though, was something even more important than the stolen prize.

As some started to charge towards the thief, Cricket turned in the opposite direction. There were still people buried in the rubble and she wasn't about to let them stay there. Using her magical ability, Cricket made an attempt to shift some of the larger rocks that were otherwise immovable. A hulking bolder, clearly the remnants of a shattered pillar were first on the satyr's list. While the stone itself wasn't sitting on top of anyone, it was pinning a flat piece of floor debris to the ancient city. Stepping forward she made sure no one would be squashed while it rolled, and started to try and shift it. It was huge, and even with magic, it was difficult to move in any way. It hardly budged at all while she tried.

But seeing her effort had had an effect on some more stunned bystanders. Those who could, and weren't injured, moved to help the satyr. Using their weight or magic to aid Cricket's plight of shifting rubble and exposing the trapped. It would take a great deal of energy from everyone involved, but slowly the largest and most imposing piece of debris would shift ever so slightly. It sounded like a god protesting after being woken up; a deep and loud groan that washed over the hidden city. Even those who were attempting to catch the thief heard it, but some didn't even register the sound in the face of the prize.

As the thief continued to battle his way out and was halted by the numerous crowd members, he would look towards the sight and marvel even a little at how it was moving. Something about the sight was impressive, all things considered. A bunch of strangers coming together to clean up his mess. Strangers saving other strangers despite their chance at a priceless prize being better than ever. All of that was washed away as he turned to face a barrage of magic hurtling towards him. All the thief could do was ignore the good of strangers, and attempt to dodge. While he had caused all this chaos, the thief didn't want to indulge in more of it. Being a thief had the implication of not being caught. Thieves didn't get caught, they were supposed to melt into the night and leave the victims of their crimes wondering. Ducking under a bolt of lighting, the thief was trying to piece together an exit plan, all while managing to avoid being blasted with magic or fists, and keeping the prize. The scene Cricket had inspired was the last thing on his mind now.

The piece of the pillar was slow-moving, and even with all the extra magical prowess and physical might. Even as Cricket let others help she couldn't help but feel a pang of worry. What if the carved stone slipped out of everyone's grasp and landed square onto someone? Or even worse,  multiple someones?  Would it have been better to just leave the thing alone and have someone more qualified to dig out the trapped? Well, it was too late now. All Cricket could do now was hope and pray that everything went smoothly, and to shove all the magic she could into the efforts.

With all the combined effort the rock lifted, shifted to the side and was lowered with a huge, ground-shaking thud. No one was left under it, and no one was further hurt by its movement. Save those who were now exhausted from doing their part in moving the debris, everyone seemed to be in good shape post-rock moving. Now the real work of digging people out could begin, and the gathered group who weren't interested in that started to flake off to instead try and capture the thief for themselves. Others were too tired to move and laid their tired selves down for a bit of rest.