Gustclan Post 6

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
4 967

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

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Chapter 1

Harrierpelt was ultimately quite happy with what he found. He’d expected it to be difficult to find anything at all around here, given he’d never been to the area and had no idea where the best spots to find each of the plants were, but he now had a good stock of catmint and burdock root. It was more difficult getting them back home, and he kept having to take small trips back until he’d collected what he thought would be enough for one use of each.

It took him a while to find somewhere to stash the new herbs, but he eventually managed it, and was quite pleased when he had. He might quite possibly be one of the youngest full medicine cats in generations, but at least he was getting well stocked!