Ski Rambling

3 years, 9 months ago

One of the rare times I said anything about one of my characters to anyone.

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Old Man Lizard Rock Asshole >:V

His name is Aeson and he's literally Ancient TM. I made the joke that there are trees younger than he is and whether I meant that literally or not is up to everyone else to figure out >:Vc

He's spent at least 99% of his life living in the Deep Underground and he's blind in any kind of strong light because of that so he extra doesn't like to travel to the surface if he can help it. And oh lord can he help it >:V He's very stubborn when he sets his foot down on something and it's near impossible to get him to change his mind on anything that's not making/improving things. It's like moving a boulder or something, who would have guessed?

Anyways, he's a very old doctor/surgeon travels the Deep Underground cause DeepForge Crafters don't tend to stay in one place long and he's just 'yup >:| hate the look of this place now and I don't need to be here anymore. time to go'. Usually he doesn't have any set destinations in mind and just likes to pick a direction that feels right for the journey and go that way. If he's in the middle of a project though then he'll be heading to where he knows the materials he needs for it are going to be, because you travel the whole expanse of the Deep Underground a couple of dozen times you begin to know where to go when you want something. Does he get lost because he goes towards seams that have been dried up for literal centuries? Yeah but that's alright, he's got nothing but time to travel and see places and he usually ends up being in the right place for somebody else.

Because even though he's a doctor/surgeon he TRAVELS WITHOUT ANY REAL RHYME OR REASON and that makes it hard when somebody needs help with like a bunged leg or forging injury and thus lead to my other joke of 'he just ends up where people need help without any active effort on his part' because it amuses the heck out of me that he'll be going about his travels and oh >:| time to do the other work

Attached to him being a doctor/surgeon I like to think that he's probably created a number of the first few medical instruments that have been stored in The Heart/First Forge/whatever the heck we're calling the Crafter's Big Library of Invention in the middle of the hecking magma river. And he's definitely improved on his own designs and devices/helped others improve on his designs and devices cause that's just what Crafters do and he loves that stuff it's the best thing.

He tends to travel alone but every now and again he picks up an apprentice/tag along that's stubborn enough not to be >:V away, which is where I'm gonna have my upcoming Crafter Maria come in for cause she's also one of my medical beans and while she'll probably leave the Underground after she's finished learning all she can from him it's a neat dynamic that I wanna play with >:Vc

Also I'm thinking he's just distrustful to both shooters and weavers cause he knows what the mafia's been trying to do and heck them >:|

Shooters are assholes but the Weaver Mafia literally said 'what if we told this widely available information that could be beneficial... and not share it :)'