Rekker and His First Victory

3 years, 9 months ago

Rekker decides to talk to Lady Sun and tell her about his first fight.

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Rekker was new to these parts, but he thought it might be fun to fight people, legally. I mean, who doesn't enjoy a show. With the Sun Goddess watching, it seemed like a good opportunity to size up the competition.

The tournament usually held a big bonfire and was more than twice the size of the gods. There were also rumors that couples get together on this event were fated to stay together, but Rekker had other plans. He signed up for the brute fight, this normally involved bigger fanglings who were known for their strength and lack of mercy. He made certain that special sections were extra sharp for battle, just in case. To him, his biggest competition wasn't the brutes, but those who won the Rogue competitions. Now those people knew how to fight. It was basically a anything goes, but with some limitations. Myrdin won last year. To Rekker, he seemed like his biggest competition for the title.

Once  the brutes were all rounded up into the same arena, all they had to do was wait for the signal. Once a green flash of light hit the sky, it was everyone for themselves. The energy and anxiety tasted like morning coffee to Rekker's senses. Soon everyone was kicking each other in the face and jumping on top of smaller targets. Lucky for him, the smaller ones thought he was easy prey. Rekker brutally slashed, kicked, clawed and bit multiple fanglings before it was finally him and the biggest brute in the ring. He took a deep breath and charged at the fella. His opponent did not seem impressed and appeared ready to take the slam. All of a sudden, Rekker moves slightly and gouges the brutes back legs, The big guy of course fell immediately, but still looked like he could swing his paws for protection. Because of this, Rekker changed tactic and decided to pounce on his opponent and claw at his shoulders. Too add to this attack, he bit deep enough into the neck that his opponent had to call for surrender. Even though his opponent was alive, the medics had to carry him out into the medic bay.

The mixed cheers and horrified looks of the crowd made Rekker feel like he could get used to this. As an orphan, he felt like he could do this every year. But little did he know, that this was only the first battle.

After the story was told, the Sun Goddess nodded politely and tried to smile. With respect for the Dragon, Rekker knew that this might have been a first for the Goddess and was unsure how to take his story. However, he felt proud about his first experience and couldn't wait to enjoy this feeling once more.