Undersea Adventure

3 years, 9 months ago

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It's been a long time since I've written any sort of story/literature so sorry for any mistakes.

The sea was nice and the beach was quiet, the only people there was a large man, his daughter, and her friend the dreamkeeper named Joe-Lynn. They were going under the water today, and Joe-Lynn was excited. It was mainly to look at the marine life but Joe-Lynn wanted to find a mermaid or something cooler like treasure! The three of them looked over to the horizon the sun was close to setting yet, but the bright blue skies were just as beautiful as a sunset.

Joe-Lynn looked back at their stuff before feeling a pat on his head. Looking up he saw Jolyne, the daughter of the man they’re with, and the person who came up with the dreams when she was younger, Joe-Lynn is glad she had such vivid and colorful dreams as a child. As he and Jolyne locked eyes the girl smiled as they began to walk into the water deeper and deeper.

Going under was a little scary for Joe-lynn but he knew he could tough it through. He had his lucky jacket on after all, and with his jacket, nothing can scare him, he is a big boy after all. Though looking at the other two he's with he begins to realize he was shaking like a leaf, big bodies of water were not his thing, but he would tough it through if he got to see cool things in the water.

Ducking his head under the water he squinted before blinking his eyes open a little more to get a better vision of the depths of the ocean. Looking over at Jolyne and her father he noticed he was farther from than then he would have liked, but at the same time, he kind of likes having the distance so he wouldn't be in their way. Though he didn't want to get too far away from them as he didn't want to get lost in the deep waters they were in.

Though something caught his eye. There was a shine in this darkness, it looked like the prettiest and shinest gold he's ever seen, calling for him. He found treasure, just like he wanted, it was the perfect luck, and maybe it’ll impress Jolyne and Mr.Jotaro! Though it's a little deeper in the water than hed like and a little further away from the two than he definitely would have liked, he's gonna go for it, since being cool seems to be a family trait. Though the wonder of what exactly the treasure brings him to where he is now.

Sitting in front of a small chest on the sandy ground of the water. Large spikes were coming out of the ground and they looked almost like large teeth but, that might have just been Joe-Lynns mind playing tricks on him. Though he could never be too cautious since not only being cool was a trait, attracting trouble seemed to be a family trait, and Joe-Lynn was no exception.

Moving closer to the chest he poked it with his paw, roughly to open it and see what's inside, but when it opened he wasn't met with riches or anything of the sort. What he was met with happened to be a large tongue and a row of sharp teeth going along the rim of the chest top and bottom. Surprising Joe-Lynn to jump and exhale, causing him to lose all his breath and to go cross-eyed at the sight of the air bubbles going up…. This wasn't good.

Thrashing around Joe-Lynn panicked trying to get back to the surface and get air. But he couldn't move and the panic kept growing and growing until he felt light-headed. But before he closed his eyes, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him and begin to pull him up. He knew those arms, while they weren't Jolyne he felt safe and trusted the person holding him. Though he doesn't know how far down he is or how long he can stay awake, he trusts that hell is fine.

Once they passed the water's surface, Joe-Lynn immediately sneezed feeling the water hug his fur and run down his noes, whiskers flat and not springy like they usually are, eyes felt heavy and he felt tired but was slowly beginning to feel better. Looking up at the face of his savior he could see them talking but Joe-Lynn couldn't hear anything. The time back to the beach was quiet, but it was peacefully quiet. While Joe-Lynn's head still hurt and his ears still rang slightly, he had a lot of fun in his little underwater adventure with Jolyne and Mr.Jotaro.