Thick Batter

3 years, 9 months ago

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He has been fidgety lately. Very antsy. Every time he’s come over, he had this air about him. I couldn’t put my finger on it.

I told myself it was nothing. No big deal, he’s always like that. Forever itching for the next big idea to be had...the newest tournament. Cricket wasn’t one to ever want to sit still...he always wanted more. I was starting to feed off that energy the more contact we had. I had excuse myself, to start baking a simple cake. Left the familiarity of my couch where he was comfortably laying against my arm.

I got lost in thought as I whisked the ingredients in the bowl. Sitting in a comfortable silence was a feeling I was slowly starting to forget these days. There was something about the energy that fell between us. I’m beginning to understand it as complex. Nothing ever spoken and yet a lot that gets stirred up to this choking feeling. Much like the separate and vastly different ingredients in this bowl, getting beaten against each other until they begin to waltz together sensually. Unifying into something bigger...and thicker.

Ah...that’s it. It was an energy hanging between us growing thicker as we pushed against each other emotionally, much like this batter. The more we churned the thicker it became. My eyes fell on his form on the couch. He looked anxious as usual. Nervously trying to keep his eyes on the movie I’d abandoned. I could tell from his jerky movements from time to time, that he was trying to stop himself from staring at me. I quirked a brow at this before I realized something I had always known...of course. Cricket was always antsy...always wanted more. I slid the batter filled pans into the oven.

Well...much like any good batter, it wasn’t anything a sweet tooth and excited tongue couldn’t clean up.